DfE England

There are four main data sources that you can use to gain information about education in England:

1 Students

Student exclusions and suspensions datasets here

Secondary and primary school applications here

Secondary and primary school attendance is recorded daily and weekly for primary, secondary and special schools at a local authority level and published on the DfE website here.

Student population and population projections are available here

2 Schools

Education provider details, also known as edubase can be found here. This dataset includes a live snapshot about all ~40,000 providers, current and historic, including name, school type, headteacher details, geographic location etc. Current Ofsted results.

To get a yearly snapshot of providers including their Oftsed grade, Progress 8 score, EAL %, Pupil Premium % etc. you can use the School performance tables, in particular the download data area. You can select a year and then choose the data to suit your needs. The options you are presented with might appear a little overlapping, it’s worth downloading a few files to see which best suit your needs, for example:

  • School information high level data on the name, location and type of school.
  • Key stage 4 results (final) school level results and demographic details, e.g. pupil premium %, EBACC and Progress 8.
  • Key stage 4 qualification and subject data (final) subject level data for schools, including number of entries and results for each subject in each school.

When downloading the data, you will be faced by a wall of acronyms some might make sense: AGELOW, AGEHIGH, others might be a little more confusing: TPUP, TPRIORHI. You can download an Explanation of terminology used in the data files alongside the data you choose. The table below might also help when interpreting the Key stage 4 results (final) (taken from the explanation file):

schools description
Column Metafile heading Metafile description
1 RECTYPE Record type (1=mainstream school; 2=special school; 4=local authority; 5=National (all schools); 7=National (maintained schools))
2 LEA Local authority code (see separate list of local authorities and their codes)
3 ESTAB Establishment number
4 URN School Unique Reference Number
5 SCHNAME School name
6 SCHNAME_AC School now known as (used if the school has converted to an academy on or after 12 Sept 2018)
7 ADDRESS1 School address (1)
8 ADDRESS2 School address (2)
9 ADDRESS3 School address (3)
10 TOWN School town
11 PCODE School postcode
12 TELNUM School telephone number
13 PCON_CODE Parliamentary constituency code
14 PCON_NAME Parliamentary constituency name
15 CONTFLAG Contingency flag - school results ‘significantly affected’. This field is zero for all schools.
16 ICLOSE Closed school flag (0=open; 1=closed)
17 NFTYPE School type (see separate list of abbreviations used in the tables)
18 RELDENOM School religious character
19 ADMPOL School admissions policy (self-declared by schools on Edubase)
20 ADMPOL_PT School admissions policy - new definition from 2019
21 EGENDER School gender of entry
22 FEEDER Indicates whether school is a feeder school for sixth form centre/consortia (0=No; 1=Yes)
23 TABKS2 Indicates whether school is published in the primary school (key stage 2) performance tables (0=No; 1=Yes)
24 TAB1618 Indicates whether school is published in the school and college (16-18) performance tables (0=No; 1=Yes)
25 AGERANGE Age range
26 TOTPUPS Number of pupils on roll (all ages)
27 NUMBOYS Total boys on roll (including part-time pupils)
28 NUMGIRLS Total girls on roll (including part-time pupils)
29 TPUP Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4
30 BPUP Number of boys at the end of key stage 4
31 PBPUP % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 who are boys
32 GPUP Number of girls at the end of key stage 4
33 PGPUP % of pupils at the end key stage 4 who are girls
34 KS2ASS KS4 cohort average KS2 Scaled Score (average of English reading and maths)
35 TPRIORLO Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with low prior attainment at the end of key stage 2
36 PTPRIORLO % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with low prior attainment at the end of key stage 2
37 TPRIORAV Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with middle prior attainment at the end of key stage 2
38 PTPRIORAV % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with middle prior attainment at the end of key stage 2
39 TPRIORHI Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with high prior attainment at the end of key stage 2
40 PTPRIORHI % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with high prior attainment at the end of key stage 2
41 TFSM6CLA1A Number of disadvantaged pupils at the end of key stage 4
42 PTFSM6CLA1A % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 who are disadvantaged
43 TNOTFSM6CLA1A Number of non-disadvantaged pupils at the end of key stage 4
44 PTNOTFSM6CLA1A % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 who are not disadvantaged
45 TEALGRP2 Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with English as additional language (EAL)
46 PTEALGRP2 % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with English as additional language (EAL)
47 TEALGRP1 Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with English as their first language
48 PTEALGRP1 % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with English as their first language
49 TEALGRP3 Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 whose first language is unclassified
50 PTEALGRP3 % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 whose first language is unclassified
51 TNMOB Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 who are non-mobile
52 PTNMOB % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 who are non-mobile
53 SENE4 Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with special educational needs (SEN) with an Education, health and care (EHC) plan
54 PSENE4 % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with special educational needs (SEN) with an Education, health and care (EHC) plan
55 SEN_ALL4 Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with special educational needs (SEN) including those with or without an Education, health and care (EHC) plan
56 PSEN_ALL4 % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with special educational needs (SEN) including those with or without an Education, health and care (EHC) plan
57 SENK4 Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with special educational needs (SEN) without an Education, health and care (EHC) plan
58 PSENK4 % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 with special educational needs (SEN) without an Education, health and care (EHC) plan
59 TOTATT8 Total sum of Attainment 8 scores
60 ATT8SCR Average Attainment 8 score per pupil
61 TOTATT8ENG Total sum of Attainment 8 scores for English element
62 ATT8SCRENG Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for English element
63 TOTATT8MAT Total sum of Attainment 8 scores for mathematics element
64 ATT8SCRMAT Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for mathematics element
65 TOTATT8EBAC Total sum of Attainment 8 scores for EBacc element
66 ATT8SCREBAC Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for EBacc element
67 TOTATT8OPEN Total sum of Attainment 8 scores for open element
68 ATT8SCROPEN Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for open element
69 TOTATT8OPENG Total sum of Attainment 8 scores for open element - GCSE only
70 ATT8SCROPENG Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for open element - GCSE only
71 TOTATT8OPENNG Total sum of Attainment 8 scores for open element - non-GCSE only
72 ATT8SCROPENNG Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for open element - non-GCSE only
73 AVGEBACFILL Average number of EBacc slots filled in Attainment 8 per pupil
74 AVGOPENFILL Average number of Open slots filled in Attainment 8 per pupil
75 P8PUP Number of pupils included in Progress 8 measure
76 TP8ADJ Number of pupils who have had P8 score adjusted in average
77 P8MEACOV % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 included in Progress 8 measure
78 P8MEA Progress 8 measure after adjustment for extreme scores
79 P8CILOW Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval for adjusted average
80 P8CIUPP Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval for adjusted average
81 P8MEA_ORIG Progress 8 measure based on unadjusted pupil scores
82 P8CILOW_ORIG Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval for unadjusted average
83 P8CIUPP_ORIG Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval for unadjusted average
84 P8MEAENG Progress 8 measure for English element
85 P8MEAENG_CILOW Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 English element
86 P8MEAENG_CIUPP Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 English element
87 P8MEAMAT Progress 8 measure for mathematics element
88 P8MEAMAT_CILOW Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 maths element
89 P8MEAMAT_CIUPP Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 maths element
90 P8MEAEBAC Progress 8 measure for EBacc element
91 P8MEAEBAC_CILOW Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 EBacc element
92 P8MEAEBAC_CIUPP Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 EBacc element
93 P8MEAOPEN Progress 8 measure for open element
94 P8MEAOPEN_CILOW Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 open element
95 P8MEAOPEN_CIUPP Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 open element
96 PTL2BASICS_94 % of pupils achieving standard 9-4 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs
97 PTL2BASICS_95 % of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs
98 TOTEBACCAPS Total EBacc APS score per pupil
99 EBACCAPS Average EBacc APS score per pupil
100 EBACCAPS_FSM6CLA1A Average EBacc APS score per disadvantaged pupil
101 EBACCAPS_NFSM6CLA1A Average EBacc APS score per non-disadvantaged pupil
102 EBACCAPS_LO Average EBacc APS score per pupil with low prior attainment
103 EBACCAPS_MID Average EBacc APS score per pupil with middle prior attainment
104 EBACCAPS_HI Average EBacc APS score per pupil with high prior attainment
105 EBACCAPS_EAL Average EBacc APS score per pupil for whom English is an additional language
106 EBACCAPS_GIRLS Average EBacc APS score per girl
107 EBACCAPS_BOYS Average EBacc APS score per boy
108 EBACCAPS_NMOB Average EBacc APS score per non-mobile pupil
109 EBACCAPS_20 Average EBacc APS score per pupil in 2020
110 EBACCAPS_FSM6CLA1A_20 Average EBacc APS score per disadvantaged pupil in 2020
111 EBACCAPS_NFSM6CLA1A_20 Average EBacc APS score per non-disadvantaged pupil in 2020
112 EBACCAPS_21 Average EBacc APS score per pupil in 2021
113 EBACCAPS_FSM6CLA1A_21 Average EBacc APS score per disadvantaged pupil in 2021
114 EBACCAPS_NFSM6CLA1A_21 Average EBacc APS score per non-disadvantaged pupil in 2021
115 TEBACC_E_PTQ_EE Number of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas
116 PTEBACC_E_PTQ_EE % of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas
117 PTEBACC_94 % of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate with 9-4 passes
118 PTEBACC_95 % of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate with 9-5 passes
119 TEBACENG_E_PTQ_EE Number of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate English subject area
120 PTEBACENG_E_PTQ_EE % of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate English subject area
121 TEBACMAT_E_PTQ_EE Number of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate Maths subject area
122 PTEBACMAT_E_PTQ_EE % of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate Maths subject area
123 TEBAC2SCI_E_PTQ_EE Number of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate Science subject area
124 PTEBAC2SCI_E_PTQ_EE % of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate Science subject area
125 TEBACHUM_E_PTQ_EE Number of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate Humanities subject area
126 PTEBACHUM_E_PTQ_EE % of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate Humanities subject area
127 TEBACLAN_E_PTQ_EE Number of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate Language subject area
128 PTEBACLAN_E_PTQ_EE % of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate Language subject area
129 PTEBACENG_94 % of pupils achieving the EBacc English subject area with a standard 9-4 pass
130 PTEBACENG_95 % of pupils achieving the EBacc English subject area with a strong 9-5 pass
131 PTEBACMAT_94 % of pupils achieving the EBacc Maths subject area with a standard 9-4 pass
132 PTEBACMAT_95 % of pupils achieving the EBacc Maths subject area with a strong 9-5 pass
133 PTEBAC2SCI_94 % of entered pupils achieving the EBacc Science subject area with a 9-4 pass
134 PTEBAC2SCI_95 % of entered pupils achieving the EBacc Science subject area with a 9-5 pass
135 PTEBACHUM_94 % of entered pupils achieving the EBacc Humanities subject area with a 9-4 pass
136 PTEBACHUM_95 % of entered pupils achieving the EBacc Humanities subject area with a 9-5 pass
137 PTEBACLAN_94 % of entered pupils achieving the EBacc Language subject area with a 9-4 pass
138 PTEBACLAN_95 % of entered pupils achieving the EBacc Language subject area with a 9-5 pass
139 SCIVAPUP_PTQ_EE Number of pupils included in English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure
140 SCIVACOV_PTQ_EE Coverage of the English Baccalaureate Science Value Added indicators of those who entered for science
141 HUMVAPUP_PTQ_EE Number of pupils included in English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure
142 HUMVACOV_PTQ_EE Coverage of the English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added indicators of those who entered for humanities
143 LANVAPUP_PTQ_EE Number of pupils included in English Baccalaureate Language Value Added measure
144 LANVACOV_PTQ_EE Coverage of the English Baccalaureate Language Value Added indicators of those who entered for languages
145 SCIVAMEA_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure
146 SCIVALOW_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Science Value Added lower 95% confidence limit
147 SCIVAUPP_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Science Value Added upper 95% confidence limit
148 HUMVAMEA_PTQ_EE EBacc Humanities VA measure
149 HUMVALOW_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added lower 95% confidence limit
150 HUMVAUPP_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added upper 95% confidence limit
151 LANVAMEA_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure
152 LANVALOW_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added lower 95% confidence limit
153 LANVAUPP_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added upper 95% confidence limit
154 TEBACENG_94 Number of pupils achieving EBacc English subject area with a standard 9-4 pass
155 TEBACENG_95 Number of pupils achieving EBacc English subject area with a strong 9-5 pass
156 TEBACMAT_94 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Maths subject area with a standard 9-4 pass
157 TEBACMAT_95 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Maths subject area with a strong 9-5 pass
158 TEBAC2SCI_94 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Science subject area with a 9-4 pass
159 TEBAC2SCI_95 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Science subject area with a 9-5 pass
160 TEBACHUM_94 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Humanities subject area with a 9-4 pass
161 TEBACHUM_95 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Humanities subject area with a 9-5 pass
162 TEBACLAN_94 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Language subject area with a 9-4 pass
163 TEBACLAN_95 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Language subject area with a 9-5 pass
164 TEBACC91 Number of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate at grades 9-1
165 PTEBACC91 % of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate at grades 9-1
166 TEBACENG91 Number of pupils achieving EBacc English subject area at grade 9-1
167 PTEBACENG91 % of pupils achieving the EBacc English subject area at grade 9-1
168 TEBACMAT91 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Maths subject area at grade 9-1
169 PTEBACMAT91 % of pupils achieving the EBacc Maths subject area at grade 9-1
170 TEBAC2SCI91 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Science subject area with grades 9-1
171 PTEBAC2SCI91 % entered pupils achieving the EBacc Science subject area with grades 9-1
172 TEBACHUM91 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Humanities subject area with grades 9-1
173 PTEBACHUM91 % entered pupils achieving the EBacc Humanities subject area with grades 9-1
174 TEBACLAN91 Number of pupils achieving EBacc Language subject area with grades 9-1
175 PTEBACLAN91 % of entered pupils achieving the EBacc Language subject area with grades 9-1
176 ATT8SCR_FSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil
177 P8PUP_FSM6CLA1A Number of disadvantaged pupils in Progress 8 measure
178 TP8ADJ_FSM6CLA1A Number of disadvantaged pupils in progress measure with adjusted scores
179 P8MEA_FSM6CLA1A Adjusted Progress 8 measure - disadvantaged pupils
180 P8CILOW_FSM6CLA1A Adjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - disadvantaged pupils
181 P8CIUPP_FSM6CLA1A Adjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - disadvantaged pupils
182 P8MEA_FSM6CLA1A_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - disadvantaged pupils
183 P8CILOW_FSM6CLA1A_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - disadvantaged pupils
184 P8CIUPP_FSM6CLA1A_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - disadvantaged pupils
185 ATT8SCR_NFSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil
186 P8PUP_NFSM6CLA1A Number of non-disadvantaged pupils in Progress 8 measure
187 TP8ADJ_NFSM6CLA1A Number of non-disadvantaged pupils in progress measure with adjusted scores
188 P8MEA_NFSM6CLA1A Adjusted Progress 8 measure - non-disadvantaged pupils
189 P8CILOW_NFSM6CLA1A Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - non-disadvantaged pupils
190 P8CIUPP_NFSM6CLA1A Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - non-disadvantaged pupils
191 P8MEA_NFSM6CLA1A_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - non-disadvantaged pupils
192 P8CILOW_NFSM6CLA1A_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - non-disadvantaged pupils
193 P8CIUPP_NFSM6CLA1A_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - non-disadvantaged pupils
194 ATT8SCRENG_FSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil for English element
195 P8MEAENG_FSM6CLA1A Progress 8 measure for English element - disadvantaged pupils
196 P8MEAENG_CILOW_FSM6CLA1A Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 English element for disadvantaged pupils
197 P8MEAENG_CIUPP_FSM6CLA1A Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 English element for disadvantaged pupils
198 ATT8SCRMAT_FSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil for mathematics element
199 P8MEAMAT_FSM6CLA1A Progress 8 measure for maths element - disadvantaged pupils
200 P8MEAMAT_CILOW_FSM6CLA1A Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 maths element for disadvantaged pupils
201 P8MEAMAT_CIUPP_FSM6CLA1A Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 maths element for disadvantaged pupils
202 ATT8SCREBAC_FSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil for EBacc element
203 P8MEAEBAC_FSM6CLA1A Progress 8 measure for EBacc element - disadvantaged pupils
204 P8MEAEBAC_CILOW_FSM6CLA1A Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 EBacc element for disadvantaged pupils
205 P8MEAEBAC_CIUPP_FSM6CLA1A Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 EBacc element for disadvantaged pupils
206 ATT8SCROPEN_FSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil for open element
207 P8MEAOPEN_FSM6CLA1A Progress 8 measure for open element - disadvantaged pupils
208 P8MEAOPEN_CILOW_FSM6CLA1A Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 open element for disadvantaged pupils
209 P8MEAOPEN_CIUPP_FSM6CLA1A Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 open element for disadvantaged pupils
210 ATT8SCRENG_NFSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil for English element
211 P8MEAENG_NFSM6CLA1A Progress 8 measure for English element - non-disadvantaged pupils
212 P8MEAENG_CILOW_NFSM6CLA1A Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 English element for non-disadvantaged pupils
213 P8MEAENG_CIUPP_NFSM6CLA1A Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 English element for non-disadvantaged pupils
214 ATT8SCRMAT_NFSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil for mathematics element
215 P8MEAMAT_NFSM6CLA1A Progress 8 measure for maths element - non-disadvantaged pupils
216 P8MEAMAT_CILOW_NFSM6CLA1A Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 maths element for non-disadvantaged pupils
217 P8MEAMAT_CIUPP_NFSM6CLA1A Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 maths element for non-disadvantaged pupils
218 ATT8SCREBAC_NFSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil for EBacc element
219 P8MEAEBAC_NFSM6CLA1A Progress 8 measure for EBacc element - non-disadvantaged pupils
220 P8MEAEBAC_CILOW_NFSM6CLA1A Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 EBacc element for non-disadvantaged pupils
221 P8MEAEBAC_CIUPP_NFSM6CLA1A Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 EBacc element for non-disadvantaged pupils
222 ATT8SCROPEN_NFSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil for open element
223 P8MEAOPEN_NFSM6CLA1A Progress 8 measure for open element - non-disadvantaged pupils
224 P8MEAOPEN_CILOW_NFSM6CLA1A Lower 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 open element for non-disadvantaged pupils
225 P8MEAOPEN_CIUPP_NFSM6CLA1A Upper 95% confidence interval for Progress 8 open element for non-disadvantaged pupils
226 ATT8SCROPENG_FSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil for open element - GCSE only
227 ATT8SCROPENNG_FSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil for open element - non-GCSE only
228 ATT8SCROPENG_NFSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil for open element - GCSE only
229 ATT8SCROPENNG_NFSM6CLA1A Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil for open element - non-GCSE only
230 DIFFN_ATT8 Difference between Attainment 8 for disadvantaged pupils in school/LA and non-disadvantaged pupils nationally
231 DIFFN_P8MEA Difference between Progress 8 measure for disadvantaged pupils in school/LA and non-disadvantaged pupils nationally
232 ATT8SCR_LO Average Attainment 8 score per pupil with low prior attainment
233 P8PUP_LO Number of pupils with low prior attainment included in Progress 8 measure
234 TP8ADJ_LO Number of pupils with low prior attainments in progress measure with adjusted scores
235 P8MEA_LO Adjusted Progress 8 measure - pupils with low prior attainments
236 P8CILOW_LO Adjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - pupils with low prior attainments
237 P8CIUPP_LO Adjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - pupils with low prior attainments
238 P8MEA_LO_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - pupils with low prior attainments
239 P8CILOW_LO_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - pupils with low prior attainments
240 P8CIUPP_LO_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - pupils with low prior attainments
241 ATT8SCR_MID Average Attainment 8 score per pupil with middle prior attainment
242 P8PUP_MID Number of pupils with middle prior attainment included in Progress 8 measure
243 TP8ADJ_MID Number of pupils with middle prior attainments in progress measure with adjusted scores
244 P8MEA_MID Adjusted Progress 8 measure - pupils with middle prior attainment
245 P8CILOW_MID Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - pupils with middle prior attainment
246 P8CIUPP_MID Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - pupils with middle prior attainment
247 P8MEA_MID_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - pupils with middle prior attainments
248 P8CILOW_MID_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - pupils with middle prior attainments
249 P8CIUPP_MID_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - pupils with middle prior attainments
250 ATT8SCR_HI Average Attainment 8 score per pupil with high prior attainment
251 P8PUP_HI Number of pupils with high prior attainment included in Progress 8 measure
252 TP8ADJ_HI Number of pupils with high prior attainments in progress measure with adjusted scores
253 P8MEA_HI Adjusted Progress 8 measure - pupils with high prior attainment
254 P8CILOW_HI Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - pupils with high prior attainment
255 P8CIUPP_HI Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - pupils with high prior attainment
256 P8MEA_HI_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - pupils with high prior attainments
257 P8CILOW_HI_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - pupils with high prior attainments
258 P8CIUPP_HI_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - pupils with high prior attainments
259 ATT8SCR_EAL Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for whom English is an additional language
260 ATT8SCRENG_EAL Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for whom English is an additional language for English element
261 ATT8SCRMAT_EAL Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for whom English is an additional language for mathematics element
262 ATT8SCREBAC_EAL Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for whom English is an additional language for EBacc element
263 ATT8SCROPEN_EAL Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for whom English is an additional language for open element
264 ATT8SCROPENG_EAL Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for whom English is an additional language - GCSE only
265 ATT8SCROPENNG_EAL Average Attainment 8 score per pupil for whom English is an additional language - non-GCSE only
266 P8PUP_EAL Number of pupils for whom English is an additional language included in Progress 8 measure
267 TP8ADJ_EAL Number of pupils for whom English is an additional language in progress measure with adjusted scores
268 P8MEA_EAL Adjusted Progress 8 measure - pupils for whom English is an additional language
269 P8CILOW_EAL Adjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - pupils for whom English is an additional language
270 P8CIUPP_EAL Adjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - pupils for whom English is an additional language
271 P8MEA_EAL_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - pupils for whom English is an additional language
272 P8CILOW_EAL_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - pupils for whom English is an additional language
273 P8CIUPP_EAL_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - pupils for whom English is an additional language
274 ATT8SCR_GIRLS Average Attainment 8 score per girl
275 ATT8SCRENG_GIRLS Average Attainment 8 score per girl for English element
276 ATT8SCRMAT_GIRLS Average Attainment 8 score per girl for mathematics element
277 ATT8SCREBAC_GIRLS Average Attainment 8 score per girl for EBacc element
278 ATT8SCROPEN_GIRLS Average Attainment 8 score per girl for open element
279 ATT8SCROPENG_GIRLS Average Attainment 8 score per girl - GCSE only
280 ATT8SCROPENNG_GIRLS Average Attainment 8 score per girl - non-GCSE only
281 P8PUP_GIRLS Number of girls included in Progress 8 measure
282 TP8ADJ_GIRLS Number of girls in progress measure with adjusted scores
283 P8MEA_GIRLS Adjusted Progress 8 measure - girls
284 P8CILOW_GIRLS Adjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - girls
285 P8CIUPP_GIRLS Adjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - girls
286 P8MEA_GIRLS_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - girls
287 P8CILOW_GIRLS_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - girls
288 P8CIUPP_GIRLS_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - girls
289 ATT8SCR_BOYS Average Attainment 8 score per boy
290 ATT8SCRENG_BOYS Average Attainment 8 score per boy for English element
291 ATT8SCRMAT_BOYS Average Attainment 8 score per boy for mathematics element
292 ATT8SCREBAC_BOYS Average Attainment 8 score per boy for EBacc element
293 ATT8SCROPEN_BOYS Average Attainment 8 score per boy for open element
294 ATT8SCROPENG_BOYS Average Attainment 8 score per boy - GCSE only
295 ATT8SCROPENNG_BOYS Average Attainment 8 score per boy - non-GCSE only
296 P8PUP_BOYS Number of boys included in Progress 8 measure
297 TP8ADJ_BOYS Number of boys in progress measure with adjusted scores
298 P8MEA_BOYS Adjusted Progress 8 measure - boys
299 P8CILOW_BOYS Adjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - boys
300 P8CIUPP_BOYS Adjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - boys
301 P8MEA_BOYS_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - boys
302 P8CILOW_BOYS_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - boys
303 P8CIUPP_BOYS_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - boys
304 ATT8SCR_NMOB Average Attainment 8 score per non-mobile pupil
305 ATT8SCRENG_NMOB Average Attainment 8 score per non-mobile pupil for English element
306 ATT8SCRMAT_NMOB Average Attainment 8 score per non-mobile pupil for mathematics element
307 ATT8SCREBAC_NMOB Average Attainment 8 score per non-mobile pupil for EBacc element
308 ATT8SCROPEN_NMOB Average Attainment 8 score per non-mobile pupil for open element
309 ATT8SCROPENG_NMOB Average Attainment 8 score per non-mobile pupil - GCSE only
310 ATT8SCROPENNG_NMOB Average Attainment 8 score per non-mobile pupil - non-GCSE only
311 P8PUP_NMOB Number of non-mobile pupils included in Progress 8 measure
312 TP8ADJ_NMOB Number of non-mobile pupils in progress measure with adjusted scores
313 P8MEA_NMOB Adjusted Progress 8 measure - non-mobile pupils
314 P8CILOW_NMOB Adjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - non-mobile pupils
315 P8CIUPP_NMOB Adjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - non-mobile pupils
316 P8MEA_NMOB_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 measure - non-mobile pupils
317 P8CILOW_NMOB_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - non-mobile pupils
318 P8CIUPP_NMOB_ORIG Unadjusted Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - non-mobile pupils
319 ATT8SCR_20 Average Attainment 8 score per pupil - 2020
320 P8PUP_20 Number of pupils in progress measure - 2020
321 P8MEA_20 Progress 8 measure - 2020
322 P8CILOW_20 Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - 2020
323 P8CIUPP_20 Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - 2020
324 ATT8SCR_FSM6CLA1A_20 Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil - 2020
325 P8PUP_FSM6CLA1A_20 Number of disadvantaged pupils in progress measure - 2020
326 P8MEA_FSM6CLA1A_20 Progress 8 measure - disadvantaged pupils - 2020
327 P8CILOW_FSM6CLA1A_20 Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - disadvantaged pupils - 2020
328 P8CIUPP_FSM6CLA1A_20 Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - disadvantaged pupils - 2020
329 ATT8SCR_NFSM6CLA1A_20 Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil - 2020
330 P8PUP_NFSM6CLA1A_20 Number of non-disadvantaged pupils in progress measure - 2020
331 P8MEA_NFSM6CLA1A_20 Progress 8 measure - non-disadvantaged pupils - 2020
332 P8CILOW_NFSM6CLA1A_20 Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - non-disadvantaged pupils - 2020
333 P8CIUPP_NFSM6CLA1A_20 Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - non-disadvantaged pupils - 2020
334 ATT8SCR_21 Average Attainment 8 score per pupil - 2021
335 P8PUP_21 Number of pupils in progress measure - 2021
336 P8MEA_21 Progress 8 measure - 2021
337 P8CILOW_21 Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - 2021
338 P8CIUPP_21 Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interva - 2021
339 ATT8SCR_FSM6CLA1A_21 Average Attainment 8 score per disadvantaged pupil - 2021
340 P8PUP_FSM6CLA1A_21 Number of disadvantaged pupils in progress measure - 2021
341 P8MEA_FSM6CLA1A_21 Progress 8 measure - disadvantaged pupils - 2021
342 P8CILOW_FSM6CLA1A_21 Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - disadvantaged pupils - 2021
343 P8CIUPP_FSM6CLA1A_21 Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - disadvantaged pupils - 2021
344 ATT8SCR_NFSM6CLA1A_21 Average Attainment 8 score per non-disadvantaged pupil - 2021
345 P8PUP_NFSM6CLA1A_21 Number of non-disadvantaged pupils in progress measure - 2021
346 P8MEA_NFSM6CLA1A_21 Progress 8 measure - non-disadvantaged pupils - 2021
347 P8CILOW_NFSM6CLA1A_21 Progress 8 lower 95% confidence interval - non-disadvantaged pupils - 2021
348 P8CIUPP_NFSM6CLA1A_21 Progress 8 upper 95% confidence interval - non-disadvantaged pupils - 2021
349 TEBACC_ELO_PTQ_EE Number of pupils in low prior attainment band with entries in all EBacc subject areas
350 PTEBACC_ELO_PTQ_EE EBacc entered % by low prior attainment
351 PTEBACCLO_94 EBacc achieved % by low prior attainment - with standard 9-4 passes in English and maths
352 PTEBACCLO_95 EBacc achieved % by low prior attainment - with 9-5 passes
353 TEBACC_EAV_PTQ_EE Number of pupils in middle prior attainment band with entries in all EBacc subject areas
354 PTEBACC_EAV_PTQ_EE EBacc entered % by middle prior attainment
355 PTEBACCAV_94 EBacc achieved % by middle prior attainment - with 9-4 passes
356 PTEBACCAV_95 EBacc achieved % by middle prior attainment - with 9-5 passes
357 TEBACC_EHI_PTQ_EE Number of pupils in high prior attainment band with entries in all EBacc subject areas
358 PTEBACC_EHI_PTQ_EE EBacc entered % by high prior attainment
359 PTEBACCHI_94 EBacc achieved % by high prior attainment - with 9-4 passes
360 PTEBACCHI_95 EBacc achieved % by high prior attainment - with 9-5 passes
361 PTEBACC_EFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE % of disadvantaged pupils entering all English Baccalaureate subject areas
362 PTEBACC_ENFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE % of non-disadvantaged pupils entering all English Baccalaureate subject areas
363 PTEBACC_94_FSM6CLA1A % of disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate - with 9-4 passes
364 PTEBACC_95_FSM6CLA1A % of disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate - with 9-5 passes
365 PTEBACC_94_NFSM6CLA1A % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate - with 9-4 passes
366 PTEBACC_95_NFSM6CLA1A % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate - with 9-5 passes
367 SCIVAMEA_LO_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
368 SCIVAMEA_MID_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
369 SCIVAMEA_HI_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
370 SCIVAMEA_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
371 SCIVAMEA_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
372 HUMVAMEA_LO_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
373 HUMVAMEA_MID_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
374 HUMVAMEA_HI_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
375 HUMVAMEA_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
376 HUMVAMEA_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
377 LANVAMEA_LO_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
378 LANVAMEA_MID_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
379 LANVAMEA_HI_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
380 LANVAMEA_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
381 LANVAMEA_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
382 SCIVAUPP_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
383 SCIVALOW_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
384 SCIVAUPP_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
385 SCIVALOW_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
386 SCIVAUPP_LO_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
387 SCIVALOW_LO_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
388 SCIVAUPP_MID_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
389 SCIVALOW_MID_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
390 SCIVAUPP_HI_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
391 SCIVALOW_HI_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Science Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
392 HUMVAUPP_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
393 HUMVALOW_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
394 HUMVAUPP_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
395 HUMVALOW_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
396 HUMVAUPP_LO_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
397 HUMVALOW_LO_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
398 HUMVAUPP_MID_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
399 HUMVALOW_MID_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
400 HUMVAUPP_HI_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
401 HUMVALOW_HI_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Humanities Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
402 LANVAUPP_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
403 LANVALOW_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for disadvantaged pupils
404 LANVAUPP_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
405 LANVALOW_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for non-disadvantaged pupils
406 LANVAUPP_LO_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
407 LANVALOW_LO_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with low prior attainment
408 LANVAUPP_MID_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
409 LANVALOW_MID_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with middle prior attainment
410 LANVAUPP_HI_PTQ_EE Upper 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
411 LANVALOW_HI_PTQ_EE Lower 95% confidence limit for English Baccalaureate Languages Value Added measure for pupils with high prior attainment
412 PTEBACC_E_20_PTQ_EE % of pupils entering all English Baccalaureate subject areas in 2020
413 PTEBACC_94_20 % of KS4 pupils achieving the Ebacc - with standard 9-4 passes in English and maths in 2020
414 PTEBACC_95_20 % of KS4 pupils achieving the Ebacc - with strong 9-5 passes in English and maths in 2020
415 PTEBACC_E_21_PTQ_EE % of pupils entering all English Baccalaureate subject areas in 2021
416 PTEBACC_94_21 % of KS4 pupils achieving the Ebacc - with standard 9-4 passes in English and maths in 2021
417 PTEBACC_95_21 % of KS4 pupils achieving the Ebacc - with strong 9-5 passes in English and maths in 2021
418 PBEBACC_E_PTQ_EE % of boys with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas
419 PBEBACC_94 % of KS4 boys achieving the Ebacc - with 9-4 passes
420 PBEBACC_95 % of KS4 boys achieving the Ebacc - with 9-5 passes
421 PGEBACC_E_PTQ_EE % of girls with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas
422 PGEBACC_94 % of KS4 girls achieving the Ebacc - with 9-4 passes
423 PGEBACC_95 % of KS4 girls achieving the Ebacc - with 9-5 passes
424 PTEBACC_ENMOB_PTQ_EE % of non-mobile pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas
425 PTEBACCNMOB_94 % of non-mobile pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate with 9-4 passes
426 PTEBACCNMOB_95 % of non-mobile pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate with 9-5 passes
427 PTEBACC_EEAL_PTQ_EE % of pupils for whom English is an additional language with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas
428 PTEBACCEAL_94 % of pupils for whom English as an additional language achieving the English Baccalaureate with 9-4 passes
429 PTEBACCEAL_95 % of pupils for whom English as an additional language achieving the English Baccalaureate with 9-5 passes
430 PTEBACC_EFSM6CLA1A_20 % of disadvantaged pupils entering all English Baccalaureate subject areas in 2020
431 PTEBACC_94_FSM6CLA1A_20 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate at grades 9-4 in 2020
432 PTEBACC_95_FSM6CLA1A_20 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate at grades 9-5 in 2020
433 PTEBACC_ENFSM6CLA1A_20 % of non-disadvantaged pupils entering all English Baccalaureate subject areas in 2020
434 PTEBACC_94_NFSM6CLA1A_20 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate at grade 9-4 in 2020
435 PTEBACC_95_NFSM6CLA1A_20 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate at grade 9-5 in 2020
436 PTEBACC_EFSM6CLA1A_21 % of disadvantaged pupils entering all English Baccalaureate subject areas in 2021
437 PTEBACC_94_FSM6CLA1A_21 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate including 9-4 passes in English and maths in 2021
438 PTEBACC_95_FSM6CLA1A_21 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate including 9-5 passes in English and maths in 2021
439 PTEBACC_ENFSM6CLA1A_21 % of non-disadvantaged pupils entering all English Baccalaureate subject areas in 2021
440 PTEBACC_94_NFSM6CLA1A_21 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate including 9-4 passes in English and maths in 2021
441 PTEBACC_95_NFSM6CLA1A_21 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate including 9-5 passes in English and maths in 2021
442 PT5EM_94 % of pupils achieving Level 2 threshold including standard passes 9-4 in both English and Maths GCSEs
443 PT5EM_94_20 % of pupils achieving Level 2 threshold including standard passes 9-4 in both English and Maths GCSEs in 2020
444 PT5EM_94_21 % of pupils achieving Level 2 threshold including standard passes 9-4 in both English and Maths GCSEs in 2021
445 PTANYQ_PTQ_EE % of pupils achieving any qualifications
446 PTL2BASICS_94_20 % of pupils achieving 9-4 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2020
447 PTL2BASICS_95_20 % of pupils achieving 9-5 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2020
448 PTL2BASICS_94_21 % of pupils achieving 9-4 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2021
449 PTL2BASICS_95_21 % of pupils achieving 9-5 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2021
450 PTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_94 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving standard 9-4 passes in GCSE English and maths
451 PTNOTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_94 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving standard 9-4 passes in GCSE English and maths
452 TBASICSLO_94 Number of pupils in low prior attainment band who achieved standard 9-4 passes in English and maths
453 PTBASICSLO_94 % of pupils in low prior attainment band who achieved standard 9-4 passes in English and maths
454 TBASICSAV_94 Number of pupils in middle prior attainment band who achieved standard 9-4 passes in English and maths
455 PTBASICSAV_94 % pupils in middle prior attainment band who achieved standard 9-4 passes in English and maths
456 TBASICSHI_94 Number of pupils in high prior attainment band who achieved standard 9-4 passes in English and maths
457 PTBASICSHI_94 % pupils in high prior attainment band who achieved standard 9-4 passes in English and maths
458 PBL2BASICS_94 % of boys achieving standard 9-4 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs
459 PGL2BASICS_94 % of girls achieving standard 9-4 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs
460 PTL2BASICSEAL_94 % of pupils achieving standard 9-4 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs and for whom English is an additional language
461 PTL2BASICSNMOB_94 % of non-mobile pupils achieving standard 9-4 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs
462 PTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_95 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in GCSE English and maths
463 PTNOTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_95 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in GCSE English and maths
464 TBASICSLO_95 Number of pupils in low prior attainment band who achieved strong 9-5 passes in English and maths
465 PTBASICSLO_95 % of pupils in low prior attainment band who achieved strong 9-5 passes in English and maths
466 TBASICSAV_95 Number of pupils in middle prior attainment band who achieved strong 9-5 passes in English and maths
467 PTBASICSAV_95 % pupils in middle prior attainment band who achieved strong 9-5 passes in English and maths
468 TBASICSHI_95 Number of pupils in high prior attainment band who achieved strong 9-5 passes in English and maths
469 PTBASICSHI_95 % pupils in high prior attainment band who achieved strong 9-5 passes in English and maths
470 PBL2BASICS_95 % of boys achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs
471 PGL2BASICS_95 % of girls achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs
472 PTL2BASICSEAL_95 % of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs and for whom English is an additional language
473 PTL2BASICSNMOB_95 % of non-mobile pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs
474 PTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_94_20 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving 9-4 in GCSE English and maths in 2020
475 PTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_95_20 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving 9-4 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2020
476 PTNOTFSMBASICS_94_20 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving 9-4 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2020
477 PTNOTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_95_20 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving 9-5 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2020
478 PTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_94_21 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving 9-4 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2021
479 PTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_95_21 % of disadvantaged pupils achieving 9-5 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2021
480 PTNOTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_94_21 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving 9-4 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2021
481 PTNOTFSM6CLA1ABASICS_95_21 % of non-disadvantaged pupils achieving 9-5 passes in GCSE English and maths in 2021
482 PTmultiLan_E % of pupils entering more than one language
483 PTtripleSci_E % of pupils entering biology, chemistry and physics
484 TFSM6CLA1A_20 Number of disadvantaged pupils at the end of key stage 4 in 2020
485 PTFSM6CLA1A_20 % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 who were disadvantaged in 2020
486 TNOTFSM6CLA1A_20 Number of non-disadvantaged pupils at the end of key stage 4 in 2020
487 PTNOTFSM6CLA1A_20 % of pupils at the end of key stage 4 who were not disadvantaged in 2020
488 TFSM6CLA1A_21 Number of disadvantaged pupils in 2021
489 PTFSM6CLA1A_21 % of pupils who were disadvantaged in 2021
490 TNOTFSM6CLA1A_21 Number of non-disadvantaged pupils in 2021
491 PTNOTFSM6CLA1A_21 % of pupils who were not disadvantaged in 2021
492 TAVENT_E_3NG_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per pupil
493 TAVENT_E_3NG_LO_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per pupil with low prior attainment
494 TAVENT_E_3NG_MID_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per pupil with middle prior attainment
495 TAVENT_E_3NG_HI_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per pupil with high prior attainment
496 TAVENT_E_3NG_FSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per disadvantaged pupil
497 TAVENT_E_3NG_NFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per non-disadvantaged pupil
498 TAVENT_EFSM6CLA1A_20_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per disadvantaged pupil in 2020
499 TAVENT_ENFSM6CLA1A_20_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per non-disadvantaged pupil in 2020
500 TAVENT_EFSM6CLA1A_21_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per disadvantaged pupil in 2021
501 TAVENT_ENFSM6CLA1A_21_PTQ_EE Average number of KS4 entries per non-disadvantaged pupil in 2021
502 TAVENT_G_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per pupil
503 TAVENT_GLO_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per pupil with low prior attainment
504 TAVENT_GAV_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per pupil with middle prior attainment
505 TAVENT_GHI_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per pupil with high prior attainment
506 TAVENT_GFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per disadvantaged pupil
507 TAVENT_GNFSM6CLA1A_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per non-disadvantaged pupil
508 TAVENT_GFSM6CLA1A_20_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per disadvantaged pupil in 2020
509 TAVENT_GNFSM6CLA1A_20_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per non-disadvantaged pupil in 2020
510 TAVENT_GFSM6CLA1A_21_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per disadvantaged pupil in 2021
511 TAVENT_GNFSM6CLA1A_21_PTQ_EE Average number of GCSE entries per non-disadvantaged pupil in 2021
512 TTOTENT_E_TOTAL_PTQ_EE Total volume of entries without discounting
513 TTOTENT_E_COVID_IMPACTED_PTQ_EE Total volume of covid-impacted entries without discounting
514 PTOTENT_E_COVID_IMPACTED_PTQ_EE % of covid-impacted entries out of total number of entries
census description
Variable Label
URN Unique Reference Number
TOTPUPSENDN Total number of pupils on roll (all ages)
NORG Number of girls on roll
NORB Number of boys on roll
PNORG Percentage of girls on roll
PNORB Percentage of boys on roll
TSENSAP Number of pupils SEN statement or on School Action Plus
TSENA Number of pupils on roll with SEN on School Action
TOTSENST Total pupils with SEN statement
TOTSENAP Total pupils at School Action Plus
PSENSAP Percentage of pupils with SEN statement or on School Action Plus
PSENA Percentage of pupils on roll with SEN on School Action
PTOTSENST Percentage pupils with SEN statement
PTOTSENAP Percentage pupils at School Action Plus
NUMEAL Number of pupils with English not as first language
NUMENGFL Number of pupils with English first language
NUMUNCFL Number of pupils where first language is unclassified
PNUMEAL Percentage of pupils with English not as first language
PNUMENGFL Percentage pupils with English first language
PNUMUNCFL Percentage of pupils where first language is unclassified
TOTPUPFSMDN Number of pupils used in FSM calculation
NUMFSM Total pupils eligible for free school meals
NUMNOFSM Total pupils not eligible for free school meals
PNUMFSM Percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals
PNUMNOFSM Percentage pupils not eligible for free school meals
NUMFSMEVER Number of pupils eligible for FSM at any time during the past 6 years
PNUMFSMEVER Percentage of pupils eligible for FSM at any time during the past 6 years

2.1 School funding

School funding information is available on the gov uk skillsfunding website. You can download year on year datasets here, with data going back to 2014/15

3 School workforce

The DfE published a yearly snapshot on the workforce in schools. This data is taken from school workforce and gives information on teachers, vacancies, timetabling.

4 Restricted datasets

The DfE maintains several restricted datasets that concern sensitive data about students and teachers. The two main datasets are the National Pupil Database and the School Workforce Census. These datasets contain data including demographic indicators, results, teacher degree qualifications and pay. To gain access to these datasets you need to complete a rather onerous process to justify your need for the data and your ability to work safely with it. Data is hosted by the Office of National Statistics through their Secure Research Service (SRS), an online platform where you can safely analyse data using R, Stata, Python, SPSS etc. To gain access to this system researchers will need to get ONS accreditation, this process is free, but can take some time to arrange. The SRS offers several routes to access the data:

  • safe rooms, dedicated research sites hosted by the ONS or other provider, e.g. a university (you won’t be allowed to bring mobile phones or laptop into this sites, nor will you be able to remove any notes you take while undertaking research)
  • secure rooms, rooms within your institution that have been cleared to access the SRS. You’ll need to justify that this room is safe, e.g. single use room, no one overlooking you whilst working, locked door to the room, dedicated IP address linked to a networked physical socket not a WiFi connection.

More recently, following the pandemic, VPN access has been allowed to the SRS. Requests for VPN access need to be made to the DfE and the ONS. To access the VPN you will need to use a specified machine from a specified location, e.g. a work machine from your house.

Additionally, the DfE have been working on the LEO dataset, a longitudinal dataset matching student outcomes to national insurance data on earnings. LEO is also accessed through the SRS.

HESA information…