Loading packages and exploring data

This course focuses on using the tidyverse; a free collection of programming packages that will allow you to write code that imports data, tidys it, transforms it into useful datasets, visualises findings, creates statistical models and communicates findings to others data using a standardised set of commands.

Data science workflow - RStudio

For many people the tidyverse is the main reason that they use R. The tidyverse is used widely in government, academia, NGOs and industry, notable examples include the Financial Times and the BBC. Code in the tidyverse can be (relatively) easily understood by others and you, when you come back to a project after several months.


Try this out

The code above transforms data and converts it into a graph. It doesn’t have any comments, but you should hopefully be able to understand what a lot of the code does by just reading it. Can you guess what each line does? Try running the code by selecting parts of it and pressing control | command ⌘ and Enter

1 Loading data

We can’t do much with R without loading data from elsewhere. Data will come in many formats and R should be able to deal with all of them. Some of the datasets you access will be a few rows and columns; others, like the ones we are going to use on this course, might run into hundreds of thousands or even millions of rows and hundreds or thousands of columns. Depending on the format you are using, you might need to use specific packages. A few of the data file types you might meet are described below:

File type Description
Comma separated values [.csv] As it says in the name, .csv files store data by separating data items with commas. They are a common way of transferring data and can be easily created and read by Excel, Google spreadsheets and text editors (in addition to R). CSVs aren’t compressed so will generally be larger than other file types. They don’t store information on the types of data stored in the file so you might find yourself having to specify that a date column is a date, rather than a string of text. You can read and write csv files without the need to load any packages, but if you do use readr you might find things go much faster.
Excel [.xls | .xlsx | .xlsxm] Excel files store data in a compressed custom format. This means files will generally be smaller than CSVs and will also contain information on the types of data stored in different columns. R can read and write these files using the openxlsx package, but you can also use the tidyverse’s readxl for reading, and writexl for writing for excel formats.
R Data [.rds] R has it’s own data format, .rds. Saving to this format means that you will make perfect copies of your R data, including data types and factors. When you load .rds files they will look exactly the same as when you saved them. Data can be highly compressed and it’s one of the fastest formats for getting data into R. You can read and write .rds files without the need to load any packages, but using the functions in readr might speed things up a bit. You won’t be able to look at .rds files in other programs such as Excel
Arrow [.parquet] Apache Arrow .parquet is a relatively new format that allows for the transfer of files between different systems. Files are small and incredibly fast to load, whilst looking exactly the same as when you save them. The PISA dataset used here, that takes ~20 seconds to load in .rds format, will load in less than 2 seconds in .parquet format. Because of the way that data is stored you won’t be able to open these files in programs such as Excel. You will need the arrow package to read and write .parquet files.
SPSS [.sav] SPSS is a common analysis tool in the world of social science. The native format for SPSS data is .sav. These files are compressed and include information on column labels and column datatypes. You will need either the haven or foreign packages to read data into R. Once you have loaded the .sav you will probably want to convert the data into a format that is more suitable for R, normally this will involve converting columns into factors. We cover factors in more detail below.
Stata [.dta] haven or foreign packages to read data into R
SAS [.sas] haven or foreign packages to read data into R
Structured Query Language [.sql] a common format for data stored in large databases. Normally SQL code would be used to query these, you can use the tidyverse to help construct SQL this through the package dbplyr which will convert your tidyverse pipe code into SQL. R can be set up to communicate directly with databases using the DBI package.
JavaScript Object Notation [.json] .json is a popular format for sharing data on the web. You can use jsonlite and rjson to access this type of data

For this course we will be looking at .csv, excel, .rds and parquet files.

2 Dataframes

Loading datasets into R will normally store them as dataframes (also known as tibbles when using the tidyverse). Dataframes are the equivalent of tables in a spreadsheet, with rows, columns and datatypes.

PISA_2022 %>% 
  select(CNT, PV1MATH, ESCS, IC172Q01JA) %>% 
  mutate(CNT = CNT %>% as.character()) %>%
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  CNT     PV1MATH   ESCS IC172Q01JA       
  <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl> <fct>            
1 Albania    180.  1.11  Agree            
2 Albania    308. -3.05  Strongly disagree
3 Albania    268. -0.187 <NA>             
4 Albania    273. -3.22  Disagree         
5 Albania    435. -1.05  Agree            

The table above has 4 columns, each column has a datatype, CNT is a character vector, PV1MATH is a double (numeric) vector, ESCS is a double (numeric) vector and IC172Q01JA is a factor. For more about datatypes, see §Datatypes


Core to the tidyverse is the idea of tidy data, a rule of thumb for creating data sets that can be easily manipulated, modeled and presented. Tidy data are data sets where each variable is a column and each observation a row.

This data isn’t tidy data as each row has contains multiple exam results (observations):

ID Exam 1 Grade 1 Exam 2 Grade 2
R2341 English 4 Maths 5
R8842 English 5

This dataframe is tidy data as each student has one entry for each exam:

ID Exam Grade
R2341 English 4
R2341 Maths 5
R8842 English 5

First we need to get some data into R so we can start analysing them. We can load large datatables into R by either providing the online web address, or by loading it from a local file directory on your hard drive. Both methods are covered below:

3 Loading data from the web

To download files from the web you’ll need to find the exact location of the file you are using. For example below we will need another package, openxlsx, which you need to install before you load it (see: §Setting up RStudio and the tidyverse, or use line 1 below). The code shown will download the files from an online Google drive directly into objects in R using read.xlsx(<file_web_address>, <sheet_name>):


To convert data on your google drive into a link that works in R, you can use the following website: https://sites.google.com/site/gdocs2direct/. Note that not all read/load commands in R will work with web addresses and some will require you have to copies of the datasets on your disk drive. Additionally, downloading large datasets from the web directly into R can be very slow, loading the dataset from your harddrive will nearly always be much faster.


results <- read.xlsx("https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1tp9xe3dS__eg7RrXf0T_oMxcrz_TbMdM",
schools <- read.xlsx("https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1tp9xe3dS__eg7RrXf0T_oMxcrz_TbMdM",

4 Loading data from your computer

Downloading files directly from web addresses can be slow and you might want to prefer to use files saved to your computer’s hard drive. You can do this by following the steps below:

Download the PISA_student_2022_subset.parquet file from here and save it to your computer where your R code file is.


The PISA student dataset is huge, with over 1,200 pieces of information stored on 600,000+ students. This book uses a subset of this data, but if you do want the full dataset, you can download it from here

Copy the location of the file (see next step for help)

  • To find the location of a file in Windows do the following:

    1. Navigate to the location of the file in Windows Explorer:

    2. Click on the address bar

    3. Copy the location

  • To find the location of a file in Mac OSX do the following:

    1. Open Finder

    2. Navigate to the folder where you saved the file

    3. Right click on the name of the file, then press the option (or Alt) button and select Copy <name of file> as Pathname

    4. Alternatively, follow this

To load this particular data into R we need to use the read_parquet command from the arrow package, specifying the location and name of the file we are loading. See the following code:


PISA_2022 <- read_parquet(r"[C:/Users/Peter/code/PISA_2022_student_subset.parquet]")

5 Setting working directories

Using the setwd(<location>) you can specify where R will look by default for any datasets. In the example below, the dfe_data.xlsx will have been downloaded and stored in C:/Users/Peter/code. By running setwd("C:/Users/Peter/code") R will always look in that location when trying to load files, meaning that read_parquet(r"[C:/Users/Peter/code/PISA_student_2022.parquet]") will be treated the same as read_parquet(r"[PISA_student_2022.parquet]")

# context: setup
PISA_2022 <- read_parquet(r"[PISA_student_2022.parquet]")

To work out what your current working directory is, you can use getwd().

5.1 Proper addresses

You might have found that you get an error if you don’t convert your backslashes \ into forwardslashes /. It’s common mistake and very annoying. In most programming languages a backslash signifies the start of a special command, for example \n signifies a newline.

With R there are three ways to get around the problem of backslashes in file locations, for the location:"C:\myfolder\" we could:

  • replace them with forwardslashes (as shown above):"C:/myfolder/"
  • replace them with double backslashes (the special character specified by two backslashes is one backslash!):"C:\\myfolder\\"
  • use the inbuilt R command to deal with filenames: r"[C:\myfolder\]"

6 .parquet files

For the majority of this workbook you will be using a cutdown version of the PISA_2022 student table. This dataset is huge and we have loaded it into R, selected fields we think are useful, converted column types to work with R and saved in the .parquet format. .parquet files are quick to load and small in size. To load a .parquet file you can use the read_parquet(<location>) command from the arrow package.

PISA_2022 <- read_parquet("<yourfolder>/PISA_student_2022_subset.parquet")

If you want to save out any of your findings, you can use write_parquet(<object>, <location>), where object is the table you are working on and location is where you want to save it.

write_parquet(PISA_2022 %>% filter(CNT=="France"), "<yourfolder>/pisa_france_2022.parquet")

7 .csv files

A very common way of distributing data is through .csv files. These files can be easily compressed and opened in common office spreadsheet tools such as Excel. To load a .csv we can use read_csv("<file_location>")

# loading from a website
data <- read_csv("https://barrolee.github.io/BarroLeeDataSet/BLData/BL_v3_MF.csv")

# loading from your hard drive
data <- read_csv("<your_folder>/BL_v3_MF.csv")

You might want to save your own work as a .csv for use later or for manipulation in another tool e.g. Excel. To do this we can use write_csv(<your_data>, "<your_folder><name>.csv"). NOTE: don’t forget to add .csv to the end of your “.csv”, otherwise you might struggle to open the file in another program.

# saving your results to a file called `summary_stats.csv`
write_csv(my_results, "summary_stats.csv")

8 Exploring data

Now that we have loaded the PISA_2022 dataset we can start to explore it.

You can check that the tables have loaded correctly by typing the object name and ‘running’ the line (control|command ⌘ and Enter)

# A tibble: 613,744 × 83
 * <fct>      <dbl>    <dbl> <fct>   <fct> <fct>        <fct>     <fct>    
 1 Albania   800282   800001 Albania No    Albanian     May       2006     
 2 Albania   800115   800002 Albania No    Albanian     February  2006     
 3 Albania   800242   800003 Albania No    Albanian     August    2006     
 4 Albania   800245   800005 Albania No    Albanian     July      2006     
 5 Albania   800285   800006 Albania No    Albanian     January   2006     
 6 Albania   800172   800007 Albania No    Albanian     May       2006     
 7 Albania   800082   800008 Albania No    Albanian     May       2006     
 8 Albania   800274   800009 Albania No    Albanian     December  2006     
 9 Albania   800057   800010 Albania No    Albanian     August    2006     
10 Albania   800132   800012 Albania No    Albanian     September 2006     
# ℹ 613,734 more rows
# ℹ 75 more variables: ST004D01T <fct>, ST250Q01JA <fct>, ST250Q02JA <fct>,
#   ST250Q03JA <fct>, ST250Q05JA <fct>, ST251Q01JA <fct>, ST251Q06JA <fct>,
#   ST251Q07JA <fct>, ST253Q01JA <fct>, ST254Q01JA <fct>, ST254Q02JA <fct>,
#   ST254Q03JA <fct>, ST254Q04JA <fct>, ST254Q05JA <fct>, ST254Q06JA <fct>,
#   ST255Q01JA <fct>, ST256Q02JA <fct>, ST005Q01JA <fct>, ST007Q01JA <fct>,
#   ST019AQ01T <fct>, ST019BQ01T <fct>, ST019CQ01T <fct>, ST125Q01NA <fct>, …

We can see from this that the tibble (another word for dataframe, basically a spreadsheet table) is 613744 rows, with 83 columns 1. This is data for all the students from around the world that took part in PISA 2022. The actual PISA dataset has many more columns than this, but for the examples here we have selected 83 of the more interesting data variables. The column names might seem rather confusing and you might want to refer to the PISA 2022 code book to find out what everything means.

The data shown in the console window is only the top few rows and first few columns. To see the whole table click on the Environment panel and the table icon to explore the table:

Alternatively, you can also hold down command ⌘|control and click on the table name in your R Script to view the table. You can also type View(<table_name>). Note: this has a capital “V”

In the table view mode you can read the label attached to each column, this will give you more detail about what the column stores. If you hover over columns it will display the label:

Alternatively, to read the full label of a column, the following code can be used:

# You might also want to read the label of a field
attr(PISA_2022$ST324Q11JA, "label")
[1] "Agree/disagree: School has been a waste of time."

Each view only shows you 50 columns, to see more use the navigation panel:


To learn more about loading data from in other formats, e.g. SPSS and STATA, look at the tidyverse documentation for haven.

The PISA_2022 dataframe is made up of multiple columns, with each column acting like a vector, which means each column stores values of only one datatype. If we look at the first four columns of the schools table, you can see the CNTSTUID, ESCS and PV1MATH columns are <dbl> (numeric) and the other three columns are of <fctr> (factor), a special datatype in R that helps store categorical and ordinal variables, see §Factors and statistical data types for more information on how factors work.

# A tibble: 5 × 5
     <dbl> <fct>     <fct>    <dbl>   <dbl>
1   800001 Female    Albania  1.11     180.
2   800002 Male      Albania -3.05     308.
3   800003 Male      Albania -0.187    268.
4   800005 Female    Albania -3.22     273.
5   800006 Female    Albania -1.05     435.

Vectors are data structures that bring together one or more data elements of the same datatype. E.g. we might have a numeric vector recording the grades of a class, or a character vector storing the gender of a set of students. To define a vector we use c(item, item, ...), where c stands for combine. Vectors are very important to R, even declaring a single object, x <- 6, is creating a vector of size one. To find out more about vectors see: §Vectors

We can find out some general information about the table we have loaded. nrow and ncol tell you about the dimensions of the table

nrow(PISA_2022)  # how many rows are in the results table
[1] 613744
ncol(PISA_2022)  # how many columns are in the results table
[1] 83

If we want to know the names of the columns we can use the names() command that returns a vector. This can be a little confusing as it’ll return the names used in the dataframe, which can be hard to interpret, e.g. ST004D01T is PISA’s way of encoding gender. You might find the labels in the view of the table available through View(PISA_2022) (note: the capital V in View) and the Environment panel easier to navigate:

names(PISA_2022) # the column names of a table
 [1] "CNT"          "CNTSCHID"     "CNTSTUID"     "REGION"       "OECD"        
 [6] "LANGTEST_QQQ" "ST003D02T"    "ST003D03T"    "ST004D01T"    "ST250Q01JA"  
[11] "ST250Q02JA"   "ST250Q03JA"   "ST250Q05JA"   "ST251Q01JA"   "ST251Q06JA"  
[16] "ST251Q07JA"   "ST253Q01JA"   "ST254Q01JA"   "ST254Q02JA"   "ST254Q03JA"  
[21] "ST254Q04JA"   "ST254Q05JA"   "ST254Q06JA"   "ST255Q01JA"   "ST256Q02JA"  
[26] "ST005Q01JA"   "ST007Q01JA"   "ST019AQ01T"   "ST019BQ01T"   "ST019CQ01T"  
[31] "ST125Q01NA"   "ST261Q01JA"   "ST261Q04JA"   "ST062Q02TA"   "ST038Q08NA"  
[36] "ST016Q01NA"   "ST337Q07JA"   "ST324Q11JA"   "ST355Q03JA"   "FL150Q02TA"  
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 43 entries ]

As mentioned, the columns in the tables are very much like a collection of vectors, to access these columns we can put a $ [dollar sign] after the name of a table. This allows us to see all the columns that table has, using the up and down arrows to select, press the Tab key to complete:

 [1] Never or almost never A few times a year    <NA>                 
 [4] A few times a month   Never or almost never Never or almost never
 [7] Never or almost never Never or almost never Never or almost never
[10] <NA>                  Never or almost never <NA>                 
[13] Once a week or more   Never or almost never Never or almost never
[16] Never or almost never Never or almost never Never or almost never
[19] A few times a month   Never or almost never <NA>                 
[22] Never or almost never Never or almost never Never or almost never
[25] <NA>                  Never or almost never Never or almost never
[28] Never or almost never Never or almost never Never or almost never
[31] A few times a year    Never or almost never Never or almost never
[34] Never or almost never Never or almost never Never or almost never
[37] Never or almost never <NA>                  Once a week or more  
[40] Never or almost never
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 613704 entries ]
[1] In past 12 months, how often: Other students spread nasty rumours about me.
8 Levels: Never or almost never A few times a year ... No Response

We can apply functions to the returned column/vector, for example: sum, mean, median, max, min, sd, round, unique, summary, length. To find all the different/unique values contained in a column we can write:

unique(PISA_2022$CNT) # the unique values in this column
 [1] Albania               Baku (Azerbaijan)     Argentina            
 [4] Australia             Austria               Belgium              
 [7] Brazil                Brunei Darussalam     Bulgaria             
[10] Cambodia              Canada                Chile                
[13] Chinese Taipei        Colombia              Costa Rica           
[16] Croatia               Czech Republic        Denmark              
[19] Dominican Republic    El Salvador           Estonia              
[22] Finland               France                Georgia              
[25] Palestinian Authority Germany               Greece               
[28] Guatemala             Hong Kong (China)     Hungary              
[31] Iceland               Indonesia             Ireland              
[34] Israel                Italy                 Kosovo               
[37] Jamaica               Japan                 Kazakhstan           
[40] Jordan               
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 40 entries ]
81 Levels: Albania United Arab Emirates Argentina Australia Austria ... Viet Nam

We can also combine commands, with length(<vector>) telling you how many items are in the unique(PISA_2022$CNT) command

# tells you the number of countries in PISA 2022
[1] 80

You might meet errors when you try and run some of the commands because a field has missing data, recorded as NA. In the case below it doesn’t know what to do with the NA values in ESCS, so it gives up and returns NA:

max(PISA_2022$ESCS) # max cultural capital value for all students
[1] NA

You can see one of the NAs by just looking at this column:

PISA_2022$ESCS # NAs present in data
 [1]  1.1112 -3.0507 -0.1867 -3.2198 -1.0548  1.0855 -0.7623 -1.0237 -1.1697
[10]  0.2857 -1.9799  0.0630 -0.1699 -2.5828 -1.1781 -0.5965 -1.0903  0.7457
[19] -0.8850 -1.6258 -0.3345 -2.0967 -1.1041 -1.0403      NA  0.3638 -2.7519
[28] -0.1190 -1.2030 -0.4250 -0.1505 -1.7077 -1.6741 -1.0123 -1.0653 -0.4197
[37] -1.7776 -0.2216 -1.1821  0.3523
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 613704 entries ]
[1] "Index of economic, social and cultural status"

To get around this you can tell R to remove the NA values when performing maths calculations:

# max cultural capital score for all students
max(PISA_2022$ESCS, na.rm = TRUE) 
[1] 7.38

R’s inbuilt mode function doesn’t calculate the mathematical mode, instead it tells you what type of data you are dealing with. You can work out the mode of data by using the modeest package:

mlv(PISA_2022$PV1MATH, method = "mfv", na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 386.086

There is more discussion on how to use modes in R here

Calculations might also be upset when you try to perform maths on a column that you think is a number but is actually stored as another datatype. For example if you wanted to work out the mean number of “How many [digital devices] with screens are there in your [home]?” - ST253Q01JA:

mean(PISA_2022$ST253Q01JA, na.rm=TRUE)
[1] NA

Looking at the structure of this column, we can see it is stored as a factor, not as a numeric. Factors are a special datatype that use numbers to link to categorical values. For ST253Q01JA there are 12 different levels that you can explore using the str() and levels() commands:

 Factor w/ 12 levels "There are no <digital devices> with screens.",..: 8 2 8 2 7 8 7 NA 6 7 ...
 - attr(*, "label")= chr "How many [digital devices] with screens are there in your [home]?"
 [1] "There are no <digital devices> with screens."
 [2] "One"                                         
 [3] "Two"                                         
 [4] "Three"                                       
 [5] "Four"                                        
 [6] "Five"                                        
 [7] "6 to 10"                                     
 [8] "More than 10"                                
 [9] "Valid Skip"                                  
[10] "Not Applicable"                              
[11] "Invalid"                                     
[12] "No Response"                                 

You can change the type of the column to make it work with the mean command, changing the column to as.numeric(<column>) for the calculation:

# note: this isn't ideal for proper analysis!
mean(as.numeric(PISA_2022$ST253Q01JA), na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 6.312233

This is far from ideal as we are now treating a categorical field as a numeric! Looking at the coding for the numbers in the field and the corresponding levels, we see that 1 is actually no digital devices. For more details on datatypes, see §Datatypes.

paste(1:length(levels(PISA_2022$ST253Q01JA)), ":", levels(PISA_2022$ST253Q01JA))
 [1] "1 : There are no <digital devices> with screens."
 [2] "2 : One"                                         
 [3] "3 : Two"                                         
 [4] "4 : Three"                                       
 [5] "5 : Four"                                        
 [6] "6 : Five"                                        
 [7] "7 : 6 to 10"                                     
 [8] "8 : More than 10"                                
 [9] "9 : Valid Skip"                                  
[10] "10 : Not Applicable"                             
[11] "11 : Invalid"                                    
[12] "12 : No Response"                                

To get a good overview of what a table contains, you can use the str(<table_name>) and summary(<table_name>) commands.

8.1 Questions

Using the PISA_2022 dataset:

  1. use the Environment window to view the dataset, what is the name and the label of the 26th column?
# the 26th column is ST062Q02TA
# the label is: "In the last two full weeks of school, how often: I [skipped] some classes"

# you could use View() instead of the environment window, note the capital V
# use could use the vector subset to fetch the 100th name
# [1] "ST062Q02JA"

# you could use the attr function to find the label
attr(PISA_2022$ST062Q02TA, "label")
#  "In the last two full weeks of school, how often: I [skipped] some classes"

# or using the dollar sign to load this field will also give the label
  1. Use the dollar sign $ to return the column ST004D01T. What is stored in this column?
# Student (Standardized) Gender

#  [1] Female Male   Male   Female Female Male   Male   Female Female Female Male  
#  [12] Male   Male   Male   Female Female Male   Female Female Female Male   Male  
#  [23] Male   Female Female Female Female Female Male   Female Male   Male   Male  
#  [34] Female Female Male   Female Female Female Female Female Male   Female Male  
#   [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 612744 entries ]
# attr(,"label")
# [1] Student (Standardized) Gender
# Levels: Female Male Valid Skip Not Applicable Invalid No Response
  1. How many students results are in the whole table?
# [1] 613744
  1. What unique values does the dataset hold for Mother’s occupation OCOD1 and Father’s occupation OCOD2? Which is larger?

# you can read the length from the above, or you could use the
# length command to tell you the length of the vector

# [1] 590
# [1] 590

# Both fields are the same size implying there are no jobs that women do, but men don't.
# to confirm this we can use the set difference command `setdiff(vector1, vector2)`.

# character(0)
  1. What are the maximum, mean, median and minumum science grades PV1SCIE achieved by any student
# remember to set the na.rm = TRUE
max(PISA_2022$PV1SCIE, na.rm=TRUE)
# [1] 895.375
mean(PISA_2022$PV1SCIE, na.rm=TRUE)
# [1] 450.4625
median(PISA_2022$PV1SCIE, na.rm=TRUE)
# [1] 444.464
min(PISA_2022$PV1SCIE, na.rm=TRUE)
# [1] 0
  1. Explore the dataset and makes notes about the range of values of 2 other columns


  1. Even in this cut down format the PISA data might take a few minutes to load. You can find the full dataset here, but be warned, it might crash you machine when trying to load it! Plug your laptop into a power supply, and having 16GB of RAM is highly recommended! You might also need to wrangle some of the fields to make them work for your purposes, you might enjoy the challenge!↩︎