Piping and dplyr

Piping allows us to break down complex tasks into manageable chunks that can be written and tested one after another. There are several powerful commands in the tidyverse as part of the dplyr package that can help us group, filter, select, mutate and summarise datasets. With this small set of commands we can use piping to convert massive datasets into simple and useful results.

Using the pipe %>% command, we can feed the results from one command into the next command making for reusable and easy to read code.

how piping works

The pipe command we are using %>% is from the magrittr package which is installed alongside the tidyverse. Recently R introduced another pipe |> which offers very similar functionality and tutorials online might use either. The examples below use the %>% pipe.

Let’s look at an example of using the pipe on the PISA_2018 table to calculate the best performing OECD countries for maths PV1MATH by gender ST004D01T:

PISA_2018 %>% 
  filter(OECD == "Yes") %>%
  group_by(CNT, ST004D01T) %>% 
  summarise(mean_maths = mean(PV1MATH, na.rm=TRUE),
            sd_maths = sd(PV1MATH, na.rm=TRUE),
            students = n()) %>%
  filter(!is.na(ST004D01T)) %>%
# A tibble: 74 × 5
# Groups:   CNT [37]
   CNT            ST004D01T mean_maths sd_maths students
   <fct>          <fct>          <dbl>    <dbl>    <int>
 1 Japan          Male            533.     90.5     2989
 2 Korea          Male            530.    102.      3459
 3 Estonia        Male            528.     85.0     2665
 4 Japan          Female          523.     82.2     3120
 5 Korea          Female          523.     96.0     3191
 6 Switzerland    Male            520.     92.7     3033
 7 Estonia        Female          519.     76.0     2651
 8 Czech Republic Male            518.     98.0     3501
 9 Belgium        Male            518.     95.9     4204
10 Poland         Male            517.     91.8     2768
# ℹ 64 more rows

Males get a slightly better maths score than Females for this PV1MATH score, other scores are available, please read ?@sec-PV to find out more about the limitations of using this value.


we met the assignment command earlier <-. Within the tidyverse commands we use the equals sign instead =.

The commands we have just used come from a package within the tidyverse called dplyr, let’s take a look at what they do:

command purpose example
select reduce the dataframe to the fields that you specify select(<field>, <field>, <field>)
filter get rid of rows that don’t meet one or more criteria filter(<field> <comparison>)
group group fields together to perform calculations group_by(<field>, <field>))
mutate add new fields or change values in current fields mutate(<new_field> = <field> / 2)
summarise create summary data optionally using a grouping command summarise(<new_field> = max(<field>))
arrange order the results by one or more fields arrange(desc(<field>))

If you want to explore more of the functions of dplyr, take a look at the helpsheet

Adjust the code above to find out the lowest performing countries for reading PV1READ by gender that are not in the OECD

PISA_2018 %>% 
  filter(OECD == "No") %>%
  group_by(CNT, ST004D01T) %>% 
  summarise(mean_read = mean(PV1READ, na.rm=TRUE),
            sd_read = sd(PV1READ, na.rm=TRUE),
            students = n()) %>%
  filter(!is.na(ST004D01T)) %>%

1 select

The PISA_2018 dataset has far too many fields, to reduce the number of fields to focus on just a few of them we can use select

PISA_2018 %>% select(CNT,ESCS, ST004D01T, ST003D02T)
# A tibble: 612,004 × 4
   CNT       ESCS ST004D01T ST003D02T
   <fct>    <dbl> <fct>     <fct>    
 1 Albania  0.675 Male      February 
 2 Albania -0.757 Male      July     
 3 Albania -2.51  Female    April    
 4 Albania -3.18  Male      April    
 5 Albania -1.76  Male      March    
 6 Albania -1.49  Female    February 
 7 Albania NA     Female    July     
 8 Albania -3.25  Male      August   
 9 Albania -1.72  Female    March    
10 Albania NA     Female    July     
# ℹ 611,994 more rows

You might also be in the situation where you want to select everything but one or two fields, you can do this with the negative signal -:

PISA_2018 %>% select(-CNT, -OECD)
# A tibble: 612,004 × 203
   <fct>        <fct>  <fct>  <fct>    <dbl> <fct>  <fct>  <fct>  <fct> <fct>   
 1 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Alban… Alban… Alban… 0     Albania 
 2 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Alban… Alban… Alban… 0     Albania 
 3 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Alban… Alban… Alban… 0     Albania 
 4 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Alban… Alban… Alban… 0     Albania 
 5 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Alban… Alban… Alban… 0     Albania 
 6 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Alban… Alban… Alban… 0     Albania 
 7 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Missi… Missi… Missi… 0     Albania 
 8 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Alban… Alban… Alban… 0     Albania 
 9 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Alban… Alban… Alban… 0     Albania 
10 ISCED level… C      Vocat… Alba…        3 Missi… Missi… Missi… 0     Albania 
# ℹ 611,994 more rows
# ℹ 193 more variables: STRATUM <fct>, ESCS <dbl>, LANGN <fct>, LMINS <dbl>,
#   OCOD1 <fct>, OCOD2 <fct>, REPEAT <fct>, CNTRYID <fct>, CNTSCHID <dbl>,
#   CNTSTUID <dbl>, NatCen <fct>, ADMINMODE <fct>, LANGTEST_QQQ <fct>,
#   LANGTEST_COG <fct>, BOOKID <fct>, ST001D01T <fct>, ST003D02T <fct>,
#   ST003D03T <fct>, ST004D01T <fct>, ST005Q01TA <fct>, ST007Q01TA <fct>,
#   ST011Q01TA <fct>, ST011Q02TA <fct>, ST011Q03TA <fct>, ST011Q04TA <fct>, …

You might find that you have a vector of column names that you want to select, to do this, we can use the any_of command:

my_fields <- c("CNTSTUID", "CNTSCHID", "ST004D01T")
PISA_2018 %>% select(any_of(my_fields))
# A tibble: 612,004 × 3
      <dbl>    <dbl> <fct>    
 1   800251   800002 Male     
 2   800402   800002 Male     
 3   801902   800002 Female   
 4   803546   800002 Male     
 5   804776   800002 Male     
 6   804825   800002 Female   
 7   804983   800002 Female   
 8   805287   800002 Male     
 9   805601   800002 Female   
10   806295   800002 Female   
# ℹ 611,994 more rows

With hundreds of fields, you might want to focus on fields whose names match a certain pattern, to do this you can use starts_with, ends_with, contains:

PISA_2018 %>% select(ends_with("NA"))
# A tibble: 612,004 × 19
   ST011Q16NA ST012Q05NA  ST012Q06NA ST012Q09NA ST125Q01NA ST060Q01NA ST061Q01NA
   <fct>      <fct>       <fct>      <fct>      <fct>           <dbl> <fct>     
 1 Yes        <NA>        One        One        6 years o…         31 45        
 2 Yes        Three or m… One        None       4 years            37 45        
 3 No         One         None       None       4 years            NA 45        
 4 No         <NA>        None       One        1 year or…         31 45        
 5 No         One         One        None       3 years            80 100       
 6 No         Three or m… One        None       6 years o…         24 25        
 7 <NA>       <NA>        <NA>       <NA>       <NA>               NA <NA>      
 8 No         None        None       None       1 year or…         NA 45        
 9 Yes        Three or m… One        One        4 years            36 45        
10 <NA>       <NA>        <NA>       <NA>       <NA>               NA <NA>      
# ℹ 611,994 more rows
# ℹ 12 more variables: IC009Q05NA <fct>, IC009Q06NA <fct>, IC009Q07NA <fct>,
#   IC009Q10NA <fct>, IC009Q11NA <fct>, IC008Q07NA <fct>, IC008Q13NA <fct>,
#   IC010Q02NA <fct>, IC010Q05NA <fct>, IC010Q06NA <fct>, IC010Q09NA <fct>,
#   IC010Q10NA <fct>

When you come to building your statistical models you often need to use numeric data, you can find the columns that have only numbers in them by the following. Be warned though, sometimes there are numeric fields which have a few words in them, so R treats them as characters. Use the PISA codebook to help work out where those numbers are.

PISA_2018 %>% select(where(is.numeric)) %>% names()
 [1] "WVARSTRR"   "ESCS"       "LMINS"      "CNTSCHID"   "CNTSTUID"  
 [6] "ST060Q01NA" "MMINS"      "SMINS"      "TMINS"      "CULTPOSS"  
[11] "WEALTH"     "PV1MATH"    "PV1READ"    "PV1SCIE"    "ATTLNACT"  
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 2 entries ]

If you do want to change the type of a column to numeric you are going to neeed to:

  • filter out the offending rows, and
  • mutate the column to be numeric: col = as.numeric(col)

1.1 Questions

  1. Spot the three errors with the following select statement
  select(CNT BELONG) %>%
PISA_2018 %>%  #1 missing pipe
  select(CNT, BELONG) #2 no comma between column names, #3 stray pipe on end
  1. Write a select statement to display the month ST003D02T and year of birth ST003D03T and the gender ST004D01T of each student.
PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(ST003D02T, ST003D03T, ST004D01T)
  1. Write a select statement to show all the fields that are to do with digital skills, e.g. IC150Q01HA
PISA_2018 %>% 
  1. [EXTENSION] Adjust the answer to Q3 so that you select the gender ST004D01T and the ID CNTSTUID of each student in addition to the IC15____ fields
PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNTSTUID, ST004D01T, starts_with("IC15"))

2 filter

Not only does the PISA_2018 dataset have a huge number of columns, it has hundred of thousands of rows. We want to filter this down to the students that we are interested in, i.e. filter out data that isn’t useful for our analysis. If we only wanted the results that were Male, we could do the following:

PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNT, ESCS, ST004D01T, ST003D02T, PV1MATH) %>%
  filter(ST004D01T == "Male")
# A tibble: 307,044 × 5
   CNT       ESCS ST004D01T ST003D02T PV1MATH
   <fct>    <dbl> <fct>     <fct>       <dbl>
 1 Albania  0.675 Male      February     490.
 2 Albania -0.757 Male      July         462.
 3 Albania -3.18  Male      April        483.
 4 Albania -1.76  Male      March        460.
 5 Albania -3.25  Male      August       441.
 6 Albania NA     Male      March        280.
 7 Albania -1.09  Male      March        523.
 8 Albania -1.24  Male      June         314.
 9 Albania -0.164 Male      August       428.
10 Albania -0.451 Male      December     369.
# ℹ 307,034 more rows

We can combine filter commands to look for Males born in September and where the PV1MATH figure is greater than 750. We can list multiple criteria in the filter by separating the criteria with commas, using commas mean that all of these criteria need to be TRUE for a row to be returned. A comma in a filter is the equivalent of an AND, :

PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNT, ESCS, ST004D01T, ST003D02T, PV1MATH) %>%
  filter(ST004D01T == "Male",
         ST003D02T == "September",
         PV1MATH > 750)
# A tibble: 56 × 5
   CNT                    ESCS ST004D01T ST003D02T PV1MATH
   <fct>                 <dbl> <fct>     <fct>       <dbl>
 1 United Arab Emirates  0.861 Male      September    760.
 2 Belgium               0.887 Male      September    751.
 3 Bulgaria             -0.160 Male      September    752.
 4 Canada                1.38  Male      September    751.
 5 Canada                1.16  Male      September    760.
 6 Canada                0.760 Male      September    770.
 7 Switzerland           0.814 Male      September    783.
 8 Germany               0.740 Male      September    762.
 9 Spain                 1.46  Male      September    787.
10 Estonia               0.897 Male      September    752.
# ℹ 46 more rows

You can also write it as an ampersand &

PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNT, ESCS, ST004D01T, ST003D02T, PV1MATH) %>%
  filter(ST004D01T == "Male" &
         ST003D02T == "September" &
         PV1MATH > 750)

Remember to include the == sign when looking to filter on equality; additionally, you can use != (not equals), >=, <=, >, <.

Remember matching is case sensitive, “june” != “June”

Rather than just looking at September born students, we want to find all the students born in the Autumn term. But if we add a couple more criteria on ST003D02T nothing is returned!

PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNT, ESCS, ST004D01T, ST003D02T, PV1MATH) %>%
  filter(ST004D01T == "Male",
         ST003D02T == "September",
         ST003D02T == "October",
         ST003D02T == "November",
         ST003D02T == "December",
         PV1MATH > 750)
# A tibble: 0 × 5
# ℹ 5 variables: CNT <fct>, ESCS <dbl>, ST004D01T <fct>, ST003D02T <fct>,
#   PV1MATH <dbl>

The reason is R is looking for inidividual students born in September AND October AND November AND December. As a student can only have one birth month there are no students that meet this criteria. We need to use OR :

To create an OR in a filter we use the bar | character, the below looks for all students who are “Male” AND were born in “September” OR “October” OR “November” OR “December”, AND have a PV1MATH > 750.

PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNT, ESCS, ST004D01T, ST003D02T, PV1MATH) %>%
  filter(ST004D01T == "Male",
         (ST003D02T == "September" | ST003D02T == "October" | ST003D02T == "November" | ST003D02T == "December"),
         PV1MATH > 750)
# A tibble: 175 × 5
   CNT                     ESCS ST004D01T ST003D02T PV1MATH
   <fct>                  <dbl> <fct>     <fct>       <dbl>
 1 Albania               0.539  Male      October      789.
 2 United Arab Emirates  0.861  Male      September    760.
 3 United Arab Emirates  0.813  Male      October      753.
 4 United Arab Emirates  0.953  Male      November     766.
 5 United Arab Emirates  0.930  Male      November     773.
 6 United Arab Emirates  1.44   Male      October      752.
 7 Australia             1.73   Male      December     756.
 8 Australia            -0.0537 Male      October      827.
 9 Australia             1.18   Male      November     758.
10 Australia             1.13   Male      October      757.
# ℹ 165 more rows

It’s neater, maybe, to use the %in% command, which checks to see if the value in a column is present in a vector, this can mimic the OR/| command:

PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNT, ESCS, ST004D01T, ST003D02T, PV1MATH) %>%
  filter(ST004D01T == "Male",
         ST003D02T %in% c("September", "October", "November", "December"),
         PV1MATH > 750)

When building filters you need to know the range of values that a column can take, we can do this in several ways:

# show the possible levels
 [1] "0-10 books"          "11-25 books"         "26-100 books"       
 [4] "101-200 books"       "201-500 books"       "More than 500 books"
 [7] "Valid Skip"          "Not Applicable"      "Invalid"            
[10] "No Response"        
# show the actual unique values in a field
# this might be a slightly smaller set of values
[1] 0-10 books          11-25 books         <NA>               
[4] 26-100 books        101-200 books       More than 500 books
[7] 201-500 books      
10 Levels: 0-10 books 11-25 books 26-100 books 101-200 books ... No Response
# You might also want to read the label of a field
attr(PISA_2018$ST013Q01TA, "label")
[1] "How many books are there in your home?"

2.1 Questions

  1. Spot the three errors with the following select statement
PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNT) %>%
  filter(CNT in c("France", "belgium")
         ESCS < 0)
PISA_2018 %>% 
  select(CNT, ESCS) %>% #1 you have ESCS in the filter, it needs to be in the select as well
  filter(CNT %in% c("France", "Belgium"), #2 Belgium needs a capital letter
                                          #3 the %in% command needs percentages
                                          #4 you need a comma (or &) at the end of the line
         ESCS < 0)
  1. Use filter to find all the students with Three or more cars in their home ST012Q02TA. How does this compare to those with no None cars?
cars_3 <- PISA_2018 %>%
  select(CNT, ST012Q02TA) %>%
  filter(ST012Q02TA == "Three or more")

cars_0 <- PISA_2018 %>%
  select(CNT, ST012Q02TA) %>%
  filter(ST012Q02TA == "None")
  1. Adjust your code in Q2. to find the number of students with Three or more cars in their home ST012Q02TA in Italy, how does this compare with Spain?
PISA_2018 %>%
  select(CNT, ST012Q02TA) %>%
  filter(ST012Q02TA == "Three or more",
         CNT == "Italy")

PISA_2018 %>%
  select(CNT, ST012Q02TA) %>%
  filter(ST012Q02TA == "Three or more",
         CNT == "Spain")
  1. Write a filter to create a table for the number of Female students with reading PV1READ scores lower than 400 in the United Kingdom, store the result as read_low_female, repeat but for Male students and store as read_low_male. Use nrow() to work out if there are more males or females with a low reading score in the UK
read_low_female <- PISA_2018 %>% 
  filter(CNT == "United Kingdom",
         PV1READ < 400,
         ST004D01T == "Female")

read_low_male <- PISA_2018 %>% 
  filter(CNT == "United Kingdom",
         PV1READ < 400,
         ST004D01T == "Male")


# You could also pipe the whole dataframe into nrow()
PISA_2018 %>% 
  filter(CNT == "United Kingdom",
         PV1READ < 400,
         ST004D01T == "Female") %>% 
  1. How many students in the United Kingdom had no television ST012Q01TA OR no connection to the internet ST011Q06TA. HINT: use levels(PISA_2018$ST012Q01TA) to look at the levels available for each column.
PISA_2018 %>% filter(CNT == "United Kingdom", 
                     ST011Q06TA == "No" |
                     ST012Q01TA == "None")
  1. Which countr[y|ies] had students with NA for Gender?
PISA_2018 %>% 
  filter(is.na(ST004D01T)) %>%

3 renaming columns

Very often when dealing with datasets such as PISA or TIMSS, the column names can be very confusing without a reference key, e.g. ST004D01T, BCBG10B and BCBG11. To rename columns in the tidyverse we use the rename(<new_name> = <old_name>) command. For example, if you wanted to rename the rather confusing student column for gender, also known as ST004D01T, and the column for having a dictionary at home, also known as ST011Q12TA, you could use:

PISA_2018 %>%
  rename(gender = ST004D01T,
         dictionary = ST011Q12TA) %>%
  select(CNT, gender, dictionary) %>% 
                   CNT                    gender                dictionary    
 Spain               : 35943   Female        :304958   Yes           :524311  
 Canada              : 22653   Male          :307044   No            : 66730  
 Kazakhstan          : 19507   Valid Skip    :     0   Valid Skip    :     0  
 United Arab Emirates: 19277   Not Applicable:     0   Not Applicable:     0  
 Australia           : 14273   Invalid       :     0   Invalid       :     0  
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 2 rows ]

If you want to change the name of the column so that it stays when you need to perform another calculation, remember to assign the renamed dataframe back to the original dataframe. But be warned, you’ll need to reload the full dataset to restore the original names:

PISA_2018 <- PISA_2018 %>%
    rename(gender = ST004D01T,
           dictionary = ST011Q12TA)

4 group_by and summarise

So far we have looked at ways to return rows that meet certain criteria. Using group_by and summarise we can start to analyse data for different groups of students. For example, let’s look at the number of students who don’t have internet connections at home ST011Q06TA:

PISA_2018 %>% 
  group_by(ST011Q06TA) %>%
  summarise(student_n = n())
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  ST011Q06TA student_n
  <fct>          <int>
1 Yes           543010
2 No             49703
3 <NA>           19291
  • Line 1 passes the full PISA_2018 to the pipe
  • Line 2 makes groups within PISA_2018 using the unique values of ST011Q06TA
  • Line 3, these groups are then passed to summarise, which creates a new column called student_n and stores the number of rows in each ST011Q06TA group using the n() command. summarise only returns the columns it creates, or are in the group_by, everything else is discarded.

What we might want to do is look at this data from a country by country perspective, by adding another field to the group_by() command, we then group by the unique combination of countries CNT and internet access ST011Q06TA, e.g. Albania+Yes; Albania+No; Albania+NA; Brazil+Yes; etc

int_by_cnt <- PISA_2018 %>% 
  group_by(CNT, ST011Q06TA) %>%
  summarise(student_n = n())

# A tibble: 240 × 3
# Groups:   CNT [80]
   CNT                  ST011Q06TA student_n
   <fct>                <fct>          <int>
 1 Albania              Yes             5059
 2 Albania              No              1084
 3 Albania              <NA>             216
 4 United Arab Emirates Yes            17616
 5 United Arab Emirates No               949
 6 United Arab Emirates <NA>             712
 7 Argentina            Yes             9871
 8 Argentina            No              1781
 9 Argentina            <NA>             323
10 Australia            Yes            12547
# ℹ 230 more rows

summarise can also be used to work out statistics by grouping. For example, if you wanted to find out the max, mean and min science grade PV1SCIE by country CNT, you could do the following:

PISA_2018 %>% 
  group_by(CNT) %>%
  summarise(sci_max  = max(PV1SCIE,  na.rm = TRUE),
            sci_mean = mean(PV1SCIE, na.rm = TRUE),
            sci_min  = min(PV1SCIE,  na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 80 × 4
   CNT                    sci_max sci_mean sci_min
   <fct>                    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Albania                   674.     417.   166. 
 2 United Arab Emirates      778.     425.    86.3
 3 Argentina                 790.     418.   138. 
 4 Australia                 879.     502.   153. 
 5 Austria                   779.     493.   175. 
 6 Belgium                   764.     502.   196. 
 7 Bulgaria                  741.     426.   145. 
 8 Bosnia and Herzegovina    664.     398.   152. 
 9 Belarus                   799.     474.   192. 
10 Brazil                    747.     407.    95.6
# ℹ 70 more rows

group_by() can have unintended consequences in your code if you are saving your pipes to new dataframes. To be safe your can clear any grouping by adding: my_data %>% ungroup()

4.1 Questions

  1. Spot the three errors with the following summarise statement
PISA_2018 %>% 
  summarise(num_stus = n)
PISA_2018 %>% 
  group_by(CNT) %>% #1 group_by NOT group #2 missing pipe %>%
  summarise(num_stus = n()) #3 = n() not = n
  1. Write a group_by and summarise statement to work out the mean and median cultural capital value ESCS for each student by country CNT
PISA_2018 %>%
  group_by(CNT) %>%
  summarise(escs_mean = mean(ESCS, na.rm=TRUE),
            escs_median = median(ESCS, na.rm=TRUE))
  1. Using summarise work out, Yes or No, by country CNT and gender ST004D01T, whether students “reduce the energy I use at home […] to protect the environment.” ST222Q01HA. Filter out any NA values on ST222Q01HA:
PISA_2018 %>% 
  filter(!is.na(ST222Q01HA)) %>%
  group_by(CNT, ST004D01T, ST222Q01HA) %>% 

5 mutate

Sometimes you will want to adjust the values stored in a field, e.g. converting a distance in miles into kilometres; or compute a new fields based on other fields, e.g. working out a total grade given the parts of a test. To do this we can use mutate. Unlike summarise, mutate retains all the other columns either adding a new column or changing an existing one

mutate(<field> = <field_calculation>)

The PISA_2018 dataset has results for maths PV1MATH, science PV1SCIE and reading PV1READ. We could combine these to create an overall PISA_grade, and PISA_mean:

PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(PV1_total = PV1MATH + PV1SCIE + PV1READ,
         PV1_mean = PV1_total/3) %>%
  select(CNT, ESCS, PV1_total, PV1_mean)
# A tibble: 612,004 × 4
   CNT       ESCS PV1_total PV1_mean
   <fct>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 Albania  0.675     1311.     437.
 2 Albania -0.757     1319.     440.
 3 Albania -2.51      1158.     386.
 4 Albania -3.18      1424.     475.
 5 Albania -1.76      1094.     365.
 6 Albania -1.49      1004.     335.
 7 Albania NA         1311.     437.
 8 Albania -3.25      1104.     368.
 9 Albania -1.72      1268.     423.
10 Albania NA         1213.     404.
# ℹ 611,994 more rows
  • line 2 mutate creates a new field called PV1_total made up by adding together the columns for maths, science and reading. Each column acts like a vector and adding them together is the equivalent of adding each students individual grades together, row by row. See ?@sec-vectors for more details on vector addition.
  • line 3 inside the same mutate statement, we take the PV1_total calculated on line 2 and divide it by 3, to give us a mean value, this is then assigned to a new column, PV1_mean.
  • line 4 this line selects only the fields that we are interested in, dropping the others

We can use mutate to create subsets of data in fields. For example, if we wanted to see how many students in each country were high performing readers, specified by getting a reading grade of greater than 550, we could do the following:

PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(PV1READ_high = PV1READ > 550) %>%
  group_by(CNT, PV1READ_high) %>%
  summarise(n = n())
# A tibble: 159 × 3
# Groups:   CNT [80]
   CNT                  PV1READ_high     n
   <fct>                <lgl>        <int>
 1 Albania              FALSE         6083
 2 Albania              TRUE           276
 3 United Arab Emirates FALSE        16567
 4 United Arab Emirates TRUE          2710
 5 Argentina            FALSE        11003
 6 Argentina            TRUE           972
 7 Australia            FALSE         9311
 8 Australia            TRUE          4962
 9 Austria              FALSE         4900
10 Austria              TRUE          1902
# ℹ 149 more rows

Comparisons can also be made between different columns, if we wanted to find out the percentage of Males and Females that got a better grade in their maths test PV1MATH than in their reading test PV1READ:

PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(maths_better = PV1MATH > PV1READ) %>%
  select(CNT, ST004D01T, maths_better, PV1MATH, PV1READ) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(ST004D01T), !is.na(maths_better)) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T) %>%
  mutate(students_n = n()) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T, maths_better) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            per = n/unique(students_n))
# A tibble: 4 × 4
# Groups:   ST004D01T [2]
  ST004D01T maths_better      n   per
  <fct>     <lgl>         <int> <dbl>
1 Female    FALSE        176021 0.583
2 Female    TRUE         126157 0.417
3 Male      FALSE        110269 0.362
4 Male      TRUE         194178 0.638
  • line 2 mutate creates a new field called maths_better made up by comparing the PV1MATH grade with PV1READ and creating a boolean/logical vector for the column.
  • line 3 selects a subset of the columns
  • line 4 filters out any students that don’t have gender data ST004D01T, or where the calculation on line 2 failed, i.e. PV1MATH or PV1READ was NA
  • line 5 group on the gender of the student
  • line 6 using the group on line 5, use mutate to calculate the total number of Males and Females by looking for the number of rows in each group n(), store this as students_n
  • line 7 re-group the data on gender ST004D01T and whether the student is better at maths than reading maths_better
  • line 8 count the number of students, n in each group, as specified by line 7.
  • line 9 create a percentage figure for the number of students in each grouping given by line 7. Use the n value from line 8 and the students_n value from line 6. NOTE: we need to use unique(students_n) to return just one value for each grouping rather than a value for every row of the line 7 grouping

For more information on how to mutate fields using ifelse, see Section 8.1

6 arrange

The results returned by pipes can be huge, so it’s a good idea to store them in objects and explore them in the Environment window where you can sort and search within the output. There might also be times when you want to order/arrange the outputs in a particular way. We can do this quite easily in the tidyverse by using the arrange(<column_name>, <column_name>) function.

PISA_2018 %>%
  select(CNT, ST004D01T, PV1MATH) %>%
# A tibble: 612,004 × 3
   CNT             ST004D01T PV1MATH
   <fct>           <fct>       <dbl>
 1 Philippines     Female       24.7
 2 Jordan          Male         51.0
 3 Jordan          Female       61.6
 4 Mexico          Female       64.3
 5 Kazakhstan      Male         70.4
 6 Jordan          Male         70.7
 7 Bulgaria        Male         73.4
 8 Kosovo          Male         76.0
 9 North Macedonia Female       78.3
10 North Macedonia Male         81.2
# ℹ 611,994 more rows

If we’re interested in the highest achieving students we can add the desc() function to arrange:

PISA_2018 %>%
  select(CNT, LANGN, ST004D01T, PV1MATH) %>%
# A tibble: 612,004 × 4
   CNT                  LANGN                  ST004D01T PV1MATH
   <fct>                <fct>                  <fct>       <dbl>
 1 Canada               Another language (CAN) Male         888.
 2 Canada               Another language (CAN) Male         874.
 3 United Arab Emirates English                Male         865.
 4 B-S-J-Z (China)      Mandarin               Female       864.
 5 Australia            English                Male         863.
 6 B-S-J-Z (China)      Mandarin               Male         861.
 7 Serbia               Serbian                Male         860.
 8 Singapore            Invalid                Female       849.
 9 Australia            Cantonese              Male         845.
10 Canada               French                 Female       842.
# ℹ 611,994 more rows

7 Bring everyting together

We know that the evidence strongly indicates that repeating a year is not good for student progress, but how do countries around the world differ in terms of the percentage of their students who repeat a year?

data_repeat <- PISA_2018 %>%
  filter(!is.na(REPEAT)) %>%
  group_by(CNT) %>%
  mutate(total = n()) %>%
  select(CNT, REPEAT, total) %>%
  group_by(CNT, REPEAT) %>%
  summarise(student_n = n(),
            total = unique(total),
            per = student_n / unique(total)) %>%
  filter(REPEAT == "Repeated a  grade") %>%


write_csv(data_repeat, "<folder_location>/repeat_a_year.csv")
# A tibble: 77 × 5
# Groups:   CNT [77]
   CNT                REPEAT            student_n total   per
   <fct>              <fct>                 <int> <int> <dbl>
 1 Morocco            Repeated a  grade      3333  6666 0.5  
 2 Colombia           Repeated a  grade      2746  7185 0.382
 3 Lebanon            Repeated a  grade      1580  4756 0.332
 4 Uruguay            Repeated a  grade      1657  5049 0.328
 5 Luxembourg         Repeated a  grade      1655  5168 0.320
 6 Dominican Republic Repeated a  grade      1694  5474 0.309
 7 Brazil             Repeated a  grade      3227 10438 0.309
 8 Macao              Repeated a  grade      1135  3773 0.301
 9 Belgium            Repeated a  grade      2351  8089 0.291
10 Costa Rica         Repeated a  grade      1904  6571 0.290
# ℹ 67 more rows
  • Line 2, filter out any NA values in the REPEAT field
  • Line 3, group on the country of student CNT
  • Line 4, create a new column total for total number of rows n() in each country CNT grouping
  • Line 5, select on the CNT, REPEAT and total columns
  • Line 6, regroup the data on country CNT and whether a student has repeated a year REPEAT, i.e. Albania+Did not repeat a grade; Albania+Repeated a grade; etc.
  • Line 7, using the above grouping, count the number of rows in each group n() and assign this to student_n
  • Line 8, for each grouping keep the total number of students in each country, as calculated on line 4. Note: unique(total) is needed here to return a single value of total, rather than a value for each student in each country
  • Line 9, using student_n from line 7 and the number of students per country total, from line 4, create a percentage per for each grouping
  • Line 10, as we have percentages for both Repeated a grade and Did not repeat a grade, we only need to display one of these. Note: that there is an extra space in this
  • Line 11, finally, we sort the data on the per/percentage column, to show the countries with the highest level of repeating a grade. This data is self-recorded by students, so might not be totally reliable!
  • Line 15, save the data to your own folder as a csv

8 Advanced topics

8.1 Recoding data (ifelse)

Often we want to plot values in groupings that don’t yet exist, for example might want to give all schools over a certain size a different colour from others schools, or flag up students who have a different home language to the language that is being taught in school. To do this we need to look at how we can recode values. A common way to recode values is through an ifelse statement:

ifelse(<statement(s)>, <value_if_true>, <value_if_false>)

ifelse allows us to recode the data. In the example below, we are going to add a new column to the PISA_2018 dataset (using mutate) noting whether a student got a higher grade in their Maths PV1MATH or Reading PV1READ tests. if PV1MATH is bigger then PV1READ, the maths_better is TRUE, else maths_better is FALSE, or in dplyr format:

maths_data <- PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(maths_better = 
           ifelse(PV1MATH > PV1READ,
                  FALSE)) %>%
  select(CNT, ST004D01T, maths_better, PV1MATH, PV1READ)

# A tibble: 612,004 × 5
   CNT     ST004D01T maths_better PV1MATH PV1READ
   <fct>   <fct>     <lgl>          <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Albania Male      TRUE            490.    376.
 2 Albania Male      TRUE            462.    434.
 3 Albania Female    TRUE            407.    359.
 4 Albania Male      TRUE            483.    425.
 5 Albania Male      TRUE            460.    306.
 6 Albania Female    TRUE            367.    352.
 7 Albania Female    FALSE           411.    413.
 8 Albania Male      TRUE            441.    271.
 9 Albania Female    TRUE            506.    373.
10 Albania Female    FALSE           412.    412.
# ℹ 611,994 more rows

We now take this new dataset maths_data and look at whether the difference between relative performance in maths and reading is the same for girls and boys:

maths_data %>% 
  filter(!is.na(ST004D01T), !is.na(maths_better)) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T, maths_better) %>%
  summarise(n = n()) 
# A tibble: 4 × 3
# Groups:   ST004D01T [2]
  ST004D01T maths_better      n
  <fct>     <lgl>         <int>
1 Female    FALSE        176021
2 Female    TRUE         126157
3 Male      FALSE        110269
4 Male      TRUE         194178

Adjust the code above to work out the percentages of Males and Females ST004D01T in each group. Check to see if the pattern also exists between science PV1SCIE and reading PV1READ:

adding percentage column
PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(maths_better = 
           ifelse(PV1MATH > PV1READ,
                  FALSE)) %>%
  select(CNT, ST004D01T, maths_better, PV1MATH, PV1READ) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(ST004D01T), !is.na(maths_better)) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T) %>%
  mutate(students_n = n()) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T, maths_better) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            per = n/unique(students_n))
comparing science and reading
PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(sci_better = 
           ifelse(PV1SCIE > PV1READ,
                  FALSE)) %>%
  select(CNT, ST004D01T, sci_better, PV1SCIE, PV1READ) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(ST004D01T), !is.na(sci_better)) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T) %>%
  mutate(students_n = n()) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T, sci_better) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            per = n/unique(students_n))
comparing science and maths
PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(sci_better = 
           ifelse(PV1SCIE > PV1MATH,
                  FALSE)) %>%
  select(CNT, ST004D01T, sci_better, PV1SCIE, PV1MATH) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(ST004D01T), !is.na(sci_better)) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T) %>%
  mutate(students_n = n()) %>%
  group_by(ST004D01T, sci_better) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            per = n/unique(students_n))

ifelse statements can get a little complicated when using factors (see: Section 8.2). Take this example. Let’s flag students who have a different home language LANGN to the language that is being used in the PISA assessment tool LANGTEST_QQQ. We make an assumption here that the assessment tool will be the language used at school, so these students will be learning in a different language to their mother tongue. if LANGN equals LANGTEST_QQQ, the lang_diff is FALSE, else lang_diff is TRUE, this raises an error:

lang_data <- PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(lang_diff = 
           ifelse(LANGN == LANGTEST_QQQ,
                  TRUE)) %>%
  select(CNT, lang_diff, LANGTEST_QQQ, LANGN)
Error in `mutate()`:
ℹ In argument: `lang_diff = ifelse(LANGN == LANGTEST_QQQ, FALSE, TRUE)`.
Caused by error in `Ops.factor()`:
! level sets of factors are different

The levels in each field are different, i.e. the range of home languages is larger than the range of test languages. To fix this, all we need to do is cast the factors LANGN and LANGTEST_QQQ as characters using as.character(<field>). This will then allow the comparison of the text stored in each row:

lang_data <- PISA_2018 %>%
  mutate(lang_diff = 
           ifelse(as.character(LANGN) == as.character(LANGTEST_QQQ),
                  TRUE)) %>%
  select(CNT, lang_diff, LANGTEST_QQQ, LANGN)

# A tibble: 612,004 × 4
   CNT     lang_diff LANGTEST_QQQ LANGN                 
   <fct>   <lgl>     <fct>        <fct>                 
 1 Albania TRUE      Albanian     Another language (ALB)
 2 Albania FALSE     Albanian     Albanian              
 3 Albania FALSE     Albanian     Albanian              
 4 Albania FALSE     Albanian     Albanian              
 5 Albania FALSE     Albanian     Albanian              
 6 Albania FALSE     Albanian     Albanian              
 7 Albania NA        <NA>         Missing               
 8 Albania FALSE     Albanian     Albanian              
 9 Albania FALSE     Albanian     Albanian              
10 Albania NA        <NA>         Missing               
# ℹ 611,994 more rows

We can now look at this dataset to get an idea of which countries have the largest percentage of students learning in a language other than their mother tongue:

lang_data_diff <- lang_data %>% 
  group_by(CNT) %>%
  mutate(student_n = n()) %>%
  group_by(CNT, lang_diff) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            percentage = 100*(n / max(student_n))) %>%
         lang_diff == TRUE)

# A tibble: 80 × 4
# Groups:   CNT [80]
   CNT                    lang_diff     n percentage
   <fct>                  <lgl>     <int>      <dbl>
 1 Albania                TRUE        284       4.47
 2 United Arab Emirates   TRUE       8195      42.5 
 3 Argentina              TRUE        651       5.44
 4 Australia              TRUE       2238      15.7 
 5 Austria                TRUE       1329      19.5 
 6 Belgium                TRUE       2458      29.0 
 7 Bulgaria               TRUE        747      14.1 
 8 Bosnia and Herzegovina TRUE        526       8.12
 9 Belarus                TRUE        248       4.27
10 Brazil                 TRUE        297       2.78
# ℹ 70 more rows

This looks like a promising dataset, but there are some strange results:

lang_data_diff %>% filter(percentage > 92)
# A tibble: 9 × 4
# Groups:   CNT [9]
  CNT             lang_diff     n percentage
  <fct>           <lgl>     <int>      <dbl>
1 Hong Kong       TRUE       5880       97.4
2 Lebanon         TRUE       5339       95.1
3 Macao           TRUE       3683       97.6
4 Montenegro      TRUE       6411       96.2
5 Norway          TRUE       5813      100  
6 Philippines     TRUE       6823       94.3
7 B-S-J-Z (China) TRUE      12049       99.9
8 Singapore       TRUE       6666       99.9
9 Ukraine         TRUE       5597       93.3

Exploring data for Ukraine, we can see that a different spelling has been used in each field, Ukrainian and Ukranain.

lang_data %>% filter(CNT == "Ukraine")
# A tibble: 5,998 × 4
   CNT     lang_diff LANGTEST_QQQ LANGN    
   <fct>   <lgl>     <fct>        <fct>    
 1 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Ukrainian
 2 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Ukrainian
 3 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Ukrainian
 4 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Russian  
 5 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Ukrainian
 6 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Russian  
 7 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Ukrainian
 8 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Ukrainian
 9 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Russian  
10 Ukraine TRUE      Ukranian     Ukrainian
# ℹ 5,988 more rows

ifelse can help here too. If we pick the spelling we want to stick to, we can recode fields to match:

lang_data %>% 
  mutate(LANGTEST_QQQ = 
           ifelse(as.character(LANGTEST_QQQ) == "Ukranian",
                 as.character(LANGTEST_QQQ))) %>%
  filter(CNT == "Ukraine")
# A tibble: 5,998 × 4
   CNT     lang_diff LANGTEST_QQQ LANGN    
   <fct>   <lgl>     <chr>        <fct>    
 1 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Ukrainian
 2 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Ukrainian
 3 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Ukrainian
 4 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Russian  
 5 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Ukrainian
 6 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Russian  
 7 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Ukrainian
 8 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Ukrainian
 9 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Russian  
10 Ukraine TRUE      Ukrainian    Ukrainian
# ℹ 5,988 more rows

Unfortunately, if you explore this dataset a little further, the language fields are don’t conform well with each other and a lot more work with ifelse will be needed before you could put together any full analysis around students who speak different langages at home and at school.


It’s possible to nest our ifelse statements, by writing another ifelse where you would have the <value_if_false>, for example we might want to give describe the type of school in England:

plot_data <- schools %>% 
  mutate(sch_type = 
           ifelse(EstablishmentGroup == "Special schools", "Special",
                  ifelse(EstablishmentGroup == "Independent schools", "Independent",
                                "Grammar", "Comprehensive"))))

8.2 Factors and statistical data types

The types of variable will heavily influence what statistical analysis you can perform. R is there to help by assigning datatypes to each field. We have different sorts of data that can be stored:

  • Categorical - data that can be divided into groups or categories
    • Nominal - categorical data where the order isn’t important, e.g. gender, or colours
    • Ordinal - categorical data that may have order or ranking, e.g. exam grades (A, B, C, D) or lickert scales (strongly agree, agree, disgaree, strongly disagree)
  • Numeric - data that consists of numbers
    • Continuous - numeric data that can take any value within a given range, e.g. height (178cm, 134.54cm)
    • Discrete - numeric data that can take only certain values within a range, e.g. number of children in a family (0,1,2,3,4,5)

But here we are going to look at how R handles factors. Factors have two parts, levels and codes. levels are what you see when you view a table column, codes are an underlying order to the data. Factors allow you to store data that has a known set of values taht you might want to display in an order other than alphabetical. For example, if we look at the month field ST003D02T using the levels(<field>) command:

 [1] "January"        "February"       "March"          "April"         
 [5] "May"            "June"           "July"           "August"        
 [9] "September"      "October"        "November"       "December"      
[13] "Valid Skip"     "Not Applicable" "Invalid"        "No Response"   

We can see that the months of the year are there along with other possible levels. With this particular dataset, we have set all other levels as NA.

Codes are the underlying numbers/order for each level, in this case 1 = January, 2 = February, etc.

 [1]  2  7  4  4  3  2  7  8  3  7 12  1 12  6  3
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 611989 entries ]

How can this be useful? A good example is how plots are made, they will use the codes to give an order to the display of columns, in the plot below, February (2) comes before March (3), even though there were more students born in March:

grph_data <- PISA_2018 %>% 
         group_by(ST003D02T) %>% 

ggplot(data=grph_data, aes(x=ST003D02T, y=n)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

To re-order the columns to match the number of students, we can either try to do this manually, which is rather cumbersome:

my_levels <- c("July", "September", "January", "March", "February","April",
               "May", "June", "August", "October", "November", "December", 
               "Valid Skip", "Not Applicable", "Invalid", "No Response")

grph_data$ST003D02T <- factor(grph_data$ST003D02T, levels=my_levels)

ggplot(data=grph_data, aes(x=ST003D02T, y=n)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

Or get R to do this for us:

# get the levels in order and pull/create a vector of them
my_levels <- grph_data %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% pull(ST003D02T)

# reassign the re-ordered levels to the dataframe column
grph_data$ST003D02T <- factor(grph_data$ST003D02T, levels=my_levels)

ggplot(data=grph_data, aes(x=ST003D02T, y=n)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

To learn a lot more about factors, see Hadley’s chapter

9 Seminar tasks

9.1 Student dataset

  1. How many unique values are there in the OCOD3 field for student intended future occupation? How does the most desired career vary by gender?
PISA_2018$OCOD3 %>% unique() %>% length()

PISA_2018 %>% 
  group_by(ST004D01T, OCOD3) %>%
  summarise(n =n()) %>%
  1. write code to work out the mean and median number of hours of learning Maths MMINS for each country CNT.
PISA_2018 %>% 
  group_by(CNT) %>%
  summarise(mean_MMINS = mean(MMINS, na.rm=TRUE),
            median_MMINS = median(MMINS, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  1. what is the fourth most popular language at home LANGN spoken by students in schools in the United Kingdom, how does this compare to France?
PISA_2018 %>% 
  filter(CNT %in% c("France", "United Kingdom")) %>%
  group_by(CNT, LANGN) %>%
  summarise(n = n()) %>%

# a bit of a rubbish answer really, as France only codes this at French or varieties of Other
  1. Spot the five errors with the following code. Can you make it work? What does it do?
# Work out when more time spent in language lessons than maths lessons
PISA_2018_lang < PISA_2018 %>%
  rename(gender = ST004D01T) %>%
  mutate(language importance = LMINS - MMINS) %>%
  filter(is.na(language_importance)) %>%
  group_by(CNT gender) %>%
  summarise(students = n,
            lang_win = sum(language_importance >= 0),
            per_lang_win = 100*(lang_win/students))
# Work out when more time spent in language lessons than maths lessons
PISA_2018_lang <- PISA_2018 %>%  #1 make sure you have the assignment arrow <-
  rename(gender = ST004D01T) %>%
  mutate(language_importance = LMINS - MMINS) %>% #2 _ not space in name of field
  filter(!is.na(language_importance)) %>%  #3 this needs to be !is.na, otherwise it'll return nothing
  group_by(CNT, gender) %>% #4 missing comma
  summarise(students = n(),   #5 missing brackets on the n() command
            lang_win = sum(language_importance >= 0),
            per_lang_win = 100*(lang_win/students))
  1. By gender work out the average attitudes to learning activities ATTLNACT

9.2 Teacher dataset

To further check your understanding of this section you will be attempting to analyse the 2018 teacher dataset. This dataset includes records for 107367 teachers from 19 countries, including 351 columns, covering attitudinal, demographic and workplace data. You can find the dataset here in the .parquet format.

  1. Work out how many teachers are in the dataset for the United Kingdom
PISA_2018_teacher %>% 
  group_by(CNT) %>%
  summarise(n=n()) %>%
  filter(CNT == "United Kingdom")
  1. For each country CNT by gender TC001Q01NA, what is the mean time that a teacher has been in the teaching profession TC007Q02NA? Include the number of teachers in each group. Order this to show the country with the longest serving workforce:
PISA_2018_teacher %>%
  group_by(CNT, TC001Q01NA) %>%
  summarise(avg_years = mean(TC007Q02NA, na.rm=TRUE),
            n = n()) %>%
  1. For each country CNT find out which teachers provide the most opportunities for students to improve their critical thinking skills TC207Q06HA:
PISA_2018_teacher %>% 
  rename(crit_think = TC207Q06HA) %>%
  group_by(CNT) %>%
  mutate(teachers=n()) %>%
  group_by(CNT, crit_think) %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            per = n()/unique(teachers)) %>%
  1. Explore the data on use of technology in the classroom TC169____
PISA_2018_teacher %>% select(CNT, TC001Q01NA, starts_with("TC169"))
  1. Save the results of one of the above questions using write_csv().

  2. [EXTENSION] explore the dataset and find out some more interesting facts to share with your group